RubyGems Navigation menu

swiftfire-jekyll-theme 0.2.0

A responsive 1, 2 or 3 column theme for wide, medium and narrow with drop(down) menu. The three columns are reordered as necessary to match the display width. Includes a menu bar generator, a category page generator, a comment system, a default cookie warning for European sites and much more. The three columns consist of 1 primary column, a secondary column and a tertiary column. The secondary column can be placed either to the right or left of the primary column. The tertiary column is on the other side. The secondary and tertiary columns can be disabled. This theme uses normalize.css.

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  1. 0.2.0 - June 18, 2020 (342 KB)

dependencias de Runtime (3):

jekyll > 3.6, < 5.0
jekyll-data >= 1.0, < 2.0
jekyll-feed ~> 0.8

dependencias de Development (2):

bundler ~> 2.0
rake ~> 12.0


Subida por:


  • Rien

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de descargas 1.726

Para esta versión 1.726



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
