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syc-task 0.0.1

Simple task organizer

With syctask you can organize your tasks (inspired by David Bryant Copland’s book Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby.


The application can be installed with

$ gem install syc-task


syctask provides basic task organizer functions as create, update, list und complete a task. Addtional functions are to plan tasks you want to accomplish today. If you are not sure in which sequence to conduct the task you can prioritize them with a pair wise comparisson. You can time tasks with start and stop and you can finally extract tasks from a minutes of meetings file.

Create tasks with new

Create a new task in the default task directory ~/.tasks

$ syctask "My first task"

Provide a description

$ syctask "My first task" --description "Explanation of my first task"

Schedule a task with a follow-up and due date

$ syctask "My first task" --follow-up "2013-02-25" --due "2013-03-11"

Set a proirity for a task

$ syctask "My first task" --prio 3

Except for –description you can also provide short forms for the options.

List tasks

List tasks that are not marked as done in short form

$ syctask list

List all tasks in long form

$ syctask list --all --complete

Search tasks that match a pattern

$ syctask list --id "<10" --follow_up ">2013-02-25" --title "My \w task"

Update tasks

Except for title and id all values can be updated. Note and tags are not overridden rather supplemented with the update value.

Update task with ID 1 and provide some informative note

$ syctask update 1 --note "Some explanation about the progress on the task"

Complete tasks

Complete the task with ID 1 and provide a final note

$ syctask done 1 --note "Finalize my first task"

Supported platform

syc-task has been tested with 1.9.3


As with version 0.0.1 only new, update, list and done is implemented.

The test files live in the folder test and start with test_.

There is a rake file available to run all tests

$ rake test


syc-task is released under the MIT License


= 複製 已複製



  1. 0.4.2 - October 08, 2016 (51.5 KB)
  2. 0.3.2 - September 11, 2016 (49.5 KB)
  3. 0.3.1 - September 11, 2016 (48.5 KB)
  4. 0.2.1 - September 03, 2016 (47.0 KB)
  5. 0.2.0 - June 13, 2014 (45.0 KB)
  6. 0.0.1 - February 25, 2013 (11.5 KB)
顯示所有版本(共 12)

Runtime 相依性套件 (2):

gli = 2.5.4
rainbow >= 0

Development 相依性套件 (3):

aruba >= 0
rake >= 0
rdoc >= 0



  • Pierre Sugar

SHA 256 總和檢查碼:

= 複製 已複製

總下載次數 29,648

這個版本 2,786


Ruby 版本需求:
