sys-cpu 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sys-cpu
rails_performance 1.4.1
3rd party dependency-free solution how to monitor performance of your Rails applications.
403,408 下載
rest-ftp-daemon 1.1.1
A pretty simple transfer daemon, controlled with a RESTful API
281,857 下載
pione 0.5.0
PIONE(Process-rule for Input/Output Negotiation Enviromenment) is a rule-based workflow...
45,507 下載
sysresources 0.3.2
LINUX ONLY: command line tool to print basic system hardware resources (disk, cpu, ram,...
23,024 下載
stress_reporter 0.0.5
Daemon that runs and reports on stressful stuff
15,574 下載
resque-telework 0.3.2
Telework is a Resque plugin aimed at controlling Resque workers from the web UI. It mak...
15,487 下載
rails-server-monitor 0.2.1
Monitor one or multiple servers at once and see stats in web UI
15,039 下載
vagrant-node 1.1.3
This Vagrant plugin allows you to configure a vm environment as a node in a client/serv...
11,950 下載
rcs-common 9.6.0
Common components for the RCS Backend
3,251 下載
latta 0.1.0
Latta ai
233 下載