taps 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 taps
Webbynode Deployment Gem
113,990 下载
ftrio 0.0.4
Feature managment tool
15,130 下载
rest_in_peace 0.2.1
Minimal web framework with a focus on simplicity. Powered by Sinatra and DataMapper
15,117 下载
engineyard-migrate 1.1.0
Want to migrate your Ruby on Rails application from Heroku (or similar) up to Engine Ya...
12,204 下载
etaps 0.0.3
Really simple CLI for Taps
11,786 下载
cap-taffy 0.0.3
Capistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks.
10,263 下载
hsume2-cap-taffy 1.0.1
Capistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks.
8,735 下载
db_backup_tool 0.0.2
A simple DB backup tool
7,956 下载
universe-db 0.1.1
gem install universe-db
7,822 下载
data_miner-ruby19 0.5.4
Mine remote data into your ActiveRecord models. You can also perform associations and c...
5,319 下载