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terminal-notifier 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 terminal-notifier

fastlane 2.220.0

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

127,934,131 下載

run_loop 4.9.1

The bridge between Calabash iOS and Xcode command-line tools like instruments and simctl.

1,829,014 下載

docker-sync 1.0.5

Sync your code live to docker-containers without losing any performance on OSX

1,357,651 下載

pokitdok-ruby 0.9.2

Gem for easy access to the PokitDok Platform APIs.

1,120,956 下載

rspec-nc 0.3.0

943,277 下載

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

162,897 下載

vkontakte_api 1.4.4

A transparent wrapper for VKontakte API. Supports ruby-way naming of API methods (witho...

156,749 下載

thegarage-gitx 2.14.0

Git eXtensions for common development workflow

155,236 下載

watchbuild 0.5.0

Get a notification once your App Store Connect build is finished processing

153,792 下載

capistrano-nc 0.2.0

147,522 下載

samvera-nesting_indexer 2.0.0

Samvera nested collections indexing

140,853 下載

linner 0.12.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

125,651 下載

kapost_deploy 0.7.1

Execute deployments swiftly and safely using `rake promote`

87,032 下載

line_notify 1.0.1

Client for the LINE notify API

86,040 下載

godot 0.3.0

If you're going to be bored waiting for something, why not our good friend?

84,785 下載

twterm 2.10.2

A full-featured TUI Twitter client

82,507 下載

efo_nelfo 2.0.0

Parser for EFONELFO format

72,219 下載

junit_model 0.1.1

A nicer way to deal with JUnit style xml

70,078 下載

pomo 2.1.3

Pomodoro time management for the command-line

68,715 下載

titech-pubnet-auth 1.4.0

This gem provides automatic authentication for titech-pubnet.

57,302 下載

intent 0.8.1

Text-based project management

55,658 下載

minitest-macos-notification 2.0.0

macOS notification reporter for Minitest Reporters, based on the minitest-osx gem.

54,570 下載

active_record-annotate 0.4.4

Adds a rake task which prepends each model file with an excerpt about the corresponding...

42,540 下載

notifyor 0.8.1

Notifyer creates growl notifications on your desktop if something happens in your Rails...

39,145 下載

db_schema 0.5

A database schema management tool that reads a "single-source-of-truth" schema definiti...

37,236 下載

flumtter 5.9.2

Twitter Client on Terminal

36,906 下載

pod_updater 0.6.4

iOS开发中帮助您快速的将自己的开发的pod库代码上传到git,并帮你push到podspec repo库去\n 使用方式:cd到你的pod库代码目录,然后执行'pod_up...

36,784 下載

cli_miami 0.0.9

A feature rich alternative for `gets` and `puts` for your cli interface

36,490 下載

circler 0.6.4

Moved to ---> "circleci-cli"

36,132 下載

rspec-matcher 0.1.5

RSpec Base Matcher implementation with automatic registration as a module.

34,636 下載

總下載次數 74,310,122

這個版本 64,714,610



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
