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Dependencias inversas para test-unit-notify La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren test-unit-notify

packnga 1.0.4

Packnga is a library to translate to many languages by YARD.

468.274 Descargas

knife-zero 2.5.2

Run chef-client at remote node with chef-zero(local-mode) via HTTP over SSH port foward...

389.662 Descargas

fluent-plugin-sql 2.3.1

SQL input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector

385.120 Descargas

test-unit-capybara 1.1.1

test-unit-capybara is a Capybara adapter for test-unit 2. You can get [Capybara](https:...

361.158 Descargas

test-unit-activesupport 1.1.2

test-unit-activesupport is an ActiveSupport adapter for test-unit 3. You can use full t...

360.532 Descargas

epub-parser 0.4.8

Parse EPUB 3 book loosely

251.874 Descargas

test-unit-full 0.0.5

A meta package to use all test-unit extensions.

177.005 Descargas

activegroonga 4.2.1

Groonga provides both of full text search and column store features. ActiveGroonga + Gr...

144.681 Descargas

epub-cfi 0.1.3

Parser and builder implementation for EPUB CFI defined at

108.188 Descargas

activesambaldap 0.1.0

ActiveSambaLdap provides object-oriented API to manipulate LDAP entry for Samba. Active...

104.606 Descargas

bitclust-core 1.3.0

Rurema is a Japanese ruby documentation project, and bitclust is a rurema document proc...

83.944 Descargas

mireru 0.9.3

Mireru is a keyboard friendly file viewer by Ruby/GTK3. It can handle a variety of file...

63.413 Descargas

fluent-plugin-groonga 1.2.3

There are two usages. 1) Store data into Groonga. 2) Implement Groonga replication syst...

57.358 Descargas

feedcellar 0.7.2

Feedcellar is a full-text searchable RSS feed reader and data store by Groonga (via Rro...

47.777 Descargas

daimon_skycrawlers 1.0.0

This is a crawler framework.

43.769 Descargas

epub-maker 0.1.9

This library supports making and editing EPUB books

40.518 Descargas

idcfcloud 1.1.8


35.482 Descargas

cheepub 0.15.0

Simple EPUB/PDF generator from Markdown. Inspired by denden converter

34.818 Descargas

droonga-engine 1.1.1

Droonga engine is a core component in Droonga system. Droonga is a scalable data proces...

31.519 Descargas

shogi-ruby 0.1.0

A Shogi library by pure Ruby. It supports CSA format.

25.921 Descargas

rack-archive-zip-extract 0.0.9

Rack::Archive::Zip::Extract serves files in zip archives.

23.170 Descargas

daimon-markdown 0.5.0

Markdown renderer for Daimon

21.829 Descargas

fluent-plugin-droonga 1.0.1

Droonga (distributed Groonga) plugin for Fluent event collector

21.184 Descargas

activeldap-fabrication 1.0.1

'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you ca...

20.910 Descargas

filerary 0.0.7

Filerary is a fulltext search tool for local files that contains text. For example, .tx...

20.577 Descargas

rb_latex 0.6.0

wrapper library of LaTeX

19.841 Descargas

feedcellar-web 0.4.3

Web interface for Feedcellar is a full-text searchable RSS feed reader by Rroonga.

19.194 Descargas

fluent-plugin-github-activities 0.7.0

This provides ability to crawl public activities of users.

19.137 Descargas

epub-search 0.0.6

Provides tool and library of full text search for EPUB books

19.032 Descargas

pirka 0.2.0

Pirka highlights source code syntax in EPUB books

18.894 Descargas

Total de descargas 348.763

Para esta versión 281.293

Versión publicada:


LGPLv2.1 or later

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
