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test-unit 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 test-unit

ruby-ntlm 0.0.4

NTLM implementation for Ruby.

1,256,354 下载

fluent-plugin-redis-store 0.2.0

Redis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd...

1,254,986 下载

fluent-plugin-parser-logfmt 0.0.0

Fluentd parser plugin that parses logfmt-style log entries

1,250,464 下载

i18n-recursive-lookup 0.0.5

Provides a backend to the i18n gem to allow a definition to contain embedded references...

1,248,891 下载

restore_bundled_with 1.0.0

We should use latest Bundler, but sometimes we are afraid we have to use older Bundler....

1,240,042 下载

fluent-plugin-ua-parser 1.2.0

Fluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent

1,234,439 下载

redirect_safely 1.0.0

Sanitize redirect_to URLs

1,220,217 下载

quantified 1.1.0

Pretty quantifiable measurements which feel like ActiveSupport::Duration.

1,188,564 下载

prawn-emoji 5.3.0

Prawn::Emoji is an extention that adds Emoji support to Prawn

1,161,886 下载

fluent-plugin-elb-log 1.4.0

Amazon ELB log input plugin for fluentd

1,160,854 下载

fluent-plugin-redaction 0.1.3

Fluentd redaction filter plugin for anonymize specific strings in text data.

1,154,624 下载

insensitive_hash 0.3.3

Hash with case-insensitive, Symbol/String-indifferent key access

1,143,609 下载

unirest 1.1.2

Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages.

1,140,894 下载

verbs 3.1.0

Conjugates most common english verbs for all persons, tenses, standard aspects, and mod...

1,136,532 下载

image_voodoo 0.9.3

Image manipulation in JRuby with ImageScience compatible API

1,135,257 下载

week_of_month 1.2.6

Its gives you week_of_month method on date and time objects, that returns week of the m...

1,131,921 下载

fluent-plugin-retag 0.1.1

Output filter plugin to retag

1,118,765 下载

weak_parameters 0.5.0

Add a validation filter to your controller.

1,113,977 下载

newrelic_moped 1.0.1

New Relic instrumentation for Moped (1.x, 2.0) / Mongoid (3.x, 4.0)

1,095,544 下载

bounce_email 0.2.8

fork of whatcould/bounce-email incl. patches from wakiki, peterpunk, agowan & rngtng

1,085,619 下载

resque-multi-job-forks 0.5.7

When your resque jobs are frequent and fast, the overhead of forking and running your a...

1,084,627 下载

red-parquet 19.0.1

Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format.

1,070,017 下载

win32-security 0.5.0

The win32-security library provides an interface for dealing with security related ...

1,042,472 下载

fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-timestamp-check 0.3.1

fluent filter plugin to ensure @timestamp is in proper format

1,039,406 下载

fluent-plugin-azurestorage-gen2 0.3.9

Azure Storage output plugin for Fluentd event collector

1,015,185 下载

windows-api 0.4.5

The windows-api library provides features over and above the basic interface provid...

992,822 下载

iron_core 1.0.12

Core library for Iron products

990,165 下载

red-colors 0.4.0

Red Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This includes con...

986,823 下载

fluent-plugin-nginx-error-multiline 0.2.0

Fluent plugin to parse nginx error logs on v1.0 (td-agent3)

930,284 下载

beholder-fluentd-plugin 1.0.1

Output plugin to ship logs to a Grafana Loki server

919,590 下载

下载总量 70,232,638

这个版本 1,277,914




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
