RubyGems Navigation menu

test-unit 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 test-unit

checkr-official 1.8.0

Checkr - Background check platform for the New World of Work. See https://docs.checkr.c...

918,987 下載

rails4-autocomplete 1.1.1

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4.

888,849 下載

safemode 1.5.0

A library for safe evaluation of Ruby code based on RubyParser and Ruby2Ruby. Provides ...

876,751 下載

fhir_dstu2_models 1.2.0

A Gem for handling FHIR DSTU2 models in ruby

856,128 下載

fluent-plugin-dict-map 0.1.1

Dictionary based map filter for Fluentd

855,817 下載

reentrant_flock 0.1.1

A reentrant/recursive flock.

851,476 下載

fhir_stu3_models 3.2.0

A Gem for handling FHIR STU3 models in ruby

826,661 下載

gollum 6.1.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

826,047 下載

fluent-plugin-string-scrub 1.0.1

fluent plugin for string scrub.

817,772 下載

rails3-generators 1.0.0

Rails 3 compatible generators for gems that don't have them yet

816,986 下載

spreedly 2.0.28

The Spreedly gem provides a convenient Ruby wrapper for the Spreedly API.

814,832 下載

fluent-plugin-label-router 0.4.0

Label-Router helps routing log messages based on their labels and namespace tag in a Ku...

795,206 下載

io-extra 1.4.0

Adds the IO.closefrom, IO.fdwalk, IO.pread, IO.pwrite, and IO.writev singleton meth...

791,083 下載

fluent-plugin-vmware-log-intelligence 2.0.8

Send Fluentd buffered logs to VMware Log Intelligence

780,280 下載

iron_worker_ng 1.6.10

New generation ruby client for IronWorker

779,468 下載

humanize_boolean 0.0.2

Adds the humanize method for true and false to provide 'Yes' and 'No' respectively. hum...

775,496 下載

fluent-plugin-filter_keys 1.0.0

Fluentd plugin to filter if a specific key is present or not in event logs.

775,312 下載

activeldap 7.2.1

'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean objected oriented interface t...

771,433 下載

fluent-plugin-datacounter 1.0.0

To count records with string fields by regexps (To count records with numbers, use nume...

767,494 下載

parse-ruby-client 0.3.0

A simple Ruby client for the REST API

764,630 下載

mailosaur 7.17.0

The Mailosaur Ruby library lets you integrate email and SMS testing into your continuou...

756,456 下載

configurations 2.2.2

Configurations provides a unified approach to do configurations with the flexibility to...

752,228 下載

fluent-plugin-jq 0.5.1

fluent-plungin-jq is a collection of fluentd plugins which uses the jq engine to transf...

748,294 下載

marc 1.3.0

A ruby library for working with Machine Readable Cataloging

747,992 下載

grape-forgery_protection 0.0.2

Protect your Grape API from forgery attacks like Rails.

739,235 下載

tag_helper 0.5.0

Zero dependency, lightweight API for building XHTML tags

738,173 下載

fluent-plugin-gelf 0.2.6

Converts fluentd log events into GELF format and sends them to Graylog

737,953 下載

actionmailer_inline_css 1.6.0

Module for ActionMailer to improve the rendering of HTML emails by using the 'premailer...

734,847 下載

foursquare2 2.0.2

Gives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...

734,700 下載

fluent-plugin-syslog_rfc5424 0.8.0

FluentD output plugin to send messages via Syslog rfc5424.

734,459 下載

總下載次數 70,222,073

這個版本 1,274,515




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
