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thingfish 0.5.1

Thingfish is a extensible, web-based digital asset manager. It can be used to store chunks of data on the network in an application-independent way, link the chunks together with metadata, and then search for the chunk you need later and fetch it, all through a REST API.

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  1. 0.8.0 - January 03, 2021 (156 KB)
  2. 0.7.0 - September 13, 2017 (225 KB)
  3. 0.6.0 - January 16, 2017 (224 KB)
  4. 0.5.1 - November 14, 2016 (224 KB)
  5. 0.5.0 - November 14, 2016 (224 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (7 total)

dependencias de Runtime (2):

mongrel2 ~> 0.46
strelka ~> 0.9

dependencias de Development (6):

hoe ~> 3.15
hoe-deveiate ~> 0.8
hoe-highline ~> 0.2
hoe-mercurial ~> 1.4
rdoc ~> 4.0
simplecov ~> 0.7



  • Michael Granger, Mahlon E. Smith

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de descargas 12.728

Para esta versión 1.840

Versión publicada:


BSD-3-Clause, BSD

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
