Dependencias inversas para torch-rb La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren torch-rb
torchvision 0.4.0
Computer vision datasets, transforms, and models for Ruby
13.410 Descargas
torchaudio 0.4.0
Data manipulation and transformation for audio signal processing
10.333 Descargas
torchtext 0.3.1
Data loaders and abstractions for text and NLP
4.739 Descargas
rumale-torch 0.3.0
Rumale::Torch provides the learning and inference by the neural network defined in torc...
3.230 Descargas
torchrec 0.0.4
Deep learning recommendation systems for Ruby
2.944 Descargas
secryst 0.1.0
Seq2seq transformer for transliteration in Ruby.
1.787 Descargas
secryst-trainer 0.1.0
A seq2seq transformer suited for transliteration. Written in Ruby. Includes packages fo...
1.784 Descargas
torch-som 0.1.0
Self-Organized Map implementation using torch-rb
1.772 Descargas
transformers-rb 0.1.6
State-of-the-art transformers for Ruby
1.703 Descargas
torchdata 0.0.3
Composable data loading for Ruby
1.036 Descargas