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turbot-ruby-gems 0.1

Metapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.

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  1. 0.34 - August 25, 2021 (4 KB)
  2. 0.32 - March 04, 2016 (5 KB)
  3. 0.31 - February 11, 2016 (5 KB)
  4. 0.30 - February 02, 2016 (5 KB)
  5. 0.29 - January 28, 2016 (5 KB)
  6. 0.1 - June 10, 2014 (4,5 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (32)

Runtime Dependencies (87):

aasm = 3.0.8
activemodel = 3.2.17
activerecord = 3.2.17
activeresource = 3.2.17
addressable = 2.2.7
alchemy_api = 0.1.2
arel = 3.0.2
Ascii85 = 1.0.1
awesome_print = 1.0.2
aws-sdk = 1.6.1
backports >= 0
builder = 3.0.0
choice = 0.1.4
chronic = 0.6.7
data_miner = 2.3.4
domain_name = 0.5.2
errata = 1.1.1
faraday = 0.8.1
fastercsv = 1.5.4
fast-stemmer = 1.0.1
fletcher = 0.4.1
gdata = 1.1.2
google_drive = 0.3.1
hash_digest = 1.0.0
hashie = 1.2.0
highrise = 3.0.3
hpricot = 0.8.4
htmlentities = 4.3.1
httparty = 0.8.3
httpauth = 0.1
httpclient = 2.2.4
hutch >= 0
json = 1.6.5
jwt = 0.1.4
libxml-ruby = 2.2.1
log4r = 1.1.9
mechanize = 2.5.1
mime-types = 1.17.2
money = 5.0.0
monster_mash = 0.3.0
multipart-post = 1.1.5
multi_xml = 0.5.1
nokogiri = 1.5.0
ntlm-http = 0.1.1
oauth = 0.4.5
oauth2 = 0.5.2
pdf-reader = 1.0.0
pismo = 0.7.2
polylines = 0.1.0
posix-spawn = 0.3.6
rack = 1.4.1
remote_table = 2.0.2
rfgraph = 0.3
roo = 1.10.0
rspec >= 0
ruby-ole =
ruby-rc4 = 0.1.5
rubyzip = 0.9.4
sanitize = 2.0.3
shoulda = 3.0.1
shoulda-context = 1.0.0
simple_oauth = 0.2.0
sinew = 1.0.3
spreadsheet =
stackdeck = 0.2.0
stringex = 1.4.0
tmail =
todonotes = 0.1.0
to_regexp = 0.1.1
trollop = 1.16.2
turbot-api >= 0
twitter = 4.5.0
typhoeus = 0.3.3
tzinfo = 0.3.33
unf = 0.0.4
unf_ext = 0.0.4
unix_utils = 0.0.14
upsert = 0.3.4
uuidtools = 2.1.3
webrobots = 0.0.12



  • Turbot

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 79.219

Desta versão 2.352



Versão Requerida do Ruby: >= 1.9.2
