Dépendances inversées pour typesafe_enum Latest version of the following gems require typesafe_enum
xml-mapping_extensions 0.4.9
Mapping nodes and other utility classes extending XML::Mapping
82 314 Téléchargements
datacite-mapping 0.5.0
A gem for working with the Datacite XML format
80 412 Téléchargements
software_challenge_client 23.0.2
Provides functions to build a client for the coding competition Software-Challenge Germ...
60 876 Téléchargements
resync 0.4.6
A Ruby gem for working with the ResourceSync web synchronization framework
55 223 Téléchargements
stash-wrapper 0.1.12
A gem for working with the Stash wrapper XML format
30 079 Téléchargements
merritt-manifest 0.1.3
A library for creating Merritt text-based manifests (a specialization of the Checkm tex...
23 738 Téléchargements
openactive 0.5.0
OpenActive.io objects turned into strongly typed classes for use in Ruby. All classes c...
21 676 Téléchargements
jekyll_href 3.0.0
Generates an 'a href' tag, possibly with target='_blank' and rel='nofollow'.
18 350 Téléchargements
leeroy_app 0.5.4
Leeroy is a framework and CLI app that captures common features required at various poi...
16 922 Téléchargements
stash-sword 0.1.6
A minimal SWORD 2.0 connector providing those features needed for Stash
15 602 Téléchargements
openactive-dataset_site 7.0.1
Simplifies creation of dataset sites using templates.
14 359 Téléchargements
dataMetaDom 1.0.7
DataMeta DOM classes and runnables
12 859 Téléchargements
berkeley_library-tind 0.7.2
UC Berkeley Library utility gem for working with the TIND DA digital archive.
12 076 Téléchargements
berkeley_library-util 0.1.9
A collection of miscellaneous Ruby routines for the UC Berkeley Library.
11 249 Téléchargements
ruby-marc-spec 0.1.3
An implementation of the MARCspec query language for Ruby and ruby-marc
7 690 Téléchargements
berkeley_library-av-core 0.4.2
Gem for UC Berkeley Library shared audio/video code
1 492 Téléchargements