RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour typesafe_enum Latest version of the following gems require typesafe_enum

xml-mapping_extensions 0.4.9

Mapping nodes and other utility classes extending XML::Mapping

82 314 Téléchargements

datacite-mapping 0.5.0

A gem for working with the Datacite XML format

80 412 Téléchargements

software_challenge_client 23.0.2

Provides functions to build a client for the coding competition Software-Challenge Germ...

60 876 Téléchargements

resync 0.4.6

A Ruby gem for working with the ResourceSync web synchronization framework

55 223 Téléchargements

stash-wrapper 0.1.12

A gem for working with the Stash wrapper XML format

30 079 Téléchargements

merritt-manifest 0.1.3

A library for creating Merritt text-based manifests (a specialization of the Checkm tex...

23 738 Téléchargements

openactive 0.5.0 objects turned into strongly typed classes for use in Ruby. All classes c...

21 676 Téléchargements

jekyll_href 3.0.0

Generates an 'a href' tag, possibly with target='_blank' and rel='nofollow'.

18 350 Téléchargements

leeroy_app 0.5.4

Leeroy is a framework and CLI app that captures common features required at various poi...

16 922 Téléchargements

stash-sword 0.1.6

A minimal SWORD 2.0 connector providing those features needed for Stash

15 602 Téléchargements

openactive-dataset_site 7.0.1

Simplifies creation of dataset sites using templates.

14 359 Téléchargements

dataMetaDom 1.0.7

DataMeta DOM classes and runnables

12 859 Téléchargements

berkeley_library-tind 0.7.2

UC Berkeley Library utility gem for working with the TIND DA digital archive.

12 076 Téléchargements

berkeley_library-util 0.1.9

A collection of miscellaneous Ruby routines for the UC Berkeley Library.

11 249 Téléchargements

ruby-marc-spec 0.1.3

An implementation of the MARCspec query language for Ruby and ruby-marc

7 690 Téléchargements

berkeley_library-av-core 0.4.2

Gem for UC Berkeley Library shared audio/video code

1 492 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 182 676

Pour cette version 87 532

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7
