tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo
wyngle-ripple 0.1.0
ripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
3,897 下载
redis-actionpack-json 4.0.0
Rails 4 Redis session store for ActionPack with JSON serialization
3,838 下载
staticman 0.0.1
Staticman build static pages, e.g. errors, about, contact, and it's very easy, fast, pr...
3,822 下载
time_pup 0.0.1
A simple natural language date time parser extracted from Perfect for parsing...
3,792 下载
dubbletrack_remote 0.8.5
Posts data from automation systems to Requires dubbletrack account
3,699 下载
spider_bot 0.0.5
Spider bot framework
3,585 下载
genki-merb_timezone_select 0.0.2
Merb plugin that provides timezone selector
3,569 下载
core_x 0.1.1
Mixins to extend the core with
3,513 下载
shhhhh 0.0.1
Quiet your logs
3,450 下载
miguelbaldi-gcalcliapp 0.1
GCalCli is a client for Google Calendar service.
3,447 下载
locomotivecms_mounter_pull_19 1.5.4
Mount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...
3,253 下载
sg_common 0.3.7
3,214 下载
mt-uv-rays 2.4.72
Opinionated abstractions for Libuv
3,126 下载
timezone_lat_lon 1.0.1
Utilities for looking up the timezone contained by a latitude and longitude.
3,049 下载
logstash-input-ping 0.1.0
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
3,042 下载
seomoz-ripple 1.0.0.pre
ripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
2,985 下载
hellobase-tz 0.1.1
Time zone helpers
2,900 下载
mongoid-locomotive 2.0.0.beta9
Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
2,868 下载
Client for iNaturalist API.
2,836 下载
appbooster-server 0.1.0
Simple http server
2,805 下载
im_hungry 0.1.0
Uses SF open data to find food trucks that are currently open.
2,777 下载
stonegao-mongoid 2.0.0.rc.6
Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
2,769 下载
opal_card_api 0.1.0
A screen-scraper to retrieve your cards and transactions from the Opal Card website
2,694 下载
amber_electric 0.0.1
an API client for Amber Electric (
2,598 下载
analytics-ruby-rudder 0.0.1
The Rudder ruby analytics library
2,573 下载
ruby-tado 0.1.0
Access to Tado API
2,555 下载
An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease
2,496 下载
aga-message 0.0.6
Message Ruby is a lightweight gem for build message & send via Telegram.
2,439 下载
request_info 0.3.0
Detect request IP, timezone and locale information with ease
2,244 下载
ablaevent-ruby 2.3.6
The Ablaevent ruby library
2,196 下载