Dependencias inversas para unimidi La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren unimidi
midi-topaz 0.2.5
A tempo source that is capable of synchronizing with MIDI clocks.
67.973 Descargas
midi-eye 0.3.10
Process realtime MIDI input with Ruby.
33.890 Descargas
basic-sequencer 0.0.12
Perform a sequence of events at tempo in Ruby
28.032 Descargas
diamond 0.5.10
A MIDI arpeggiator in Ruby
27.816 Descargas
micromidi 0.2.0
A Ruby DSL for MIDI
27.575 Descargas
mmplayer 0.0.12
Control MPlayer with MIDI
26.759 Descargas
mtk 0.4
A music library and domain-specific language for generating music via MIDI.
21.788 Descargas
midi-instrument 0.4.8
Core MIDI instrument functionality in Ruby
20.529 Descargas
midiops 0.3.3
MIDIOps is to automate some works with MIDI events
18.079 Descargas
banjo 0.0.5
MIDI looper designed for live performances
17.755 Descargas
midicat 0.1.2
pretty cat/tailf-like command for midi inputs
17.432 Descargas
niki 0.2.2
A DSL to describe and play structured musical pieces, i.e. songs
17.197 Descargas
midinous 1.1.1
Midinous combines generative features with a grid-based GUI to offer a supplemental and...
16.149 Descargas
mvlc 0.0.7
Control VLC Media Player with MIDI
13.012 Descargas
midi 0.0.9
A Ruby DSL for MIDI
11.651 Descargas
mass 0.0.2
Synth framework for Ruby. Build a cool synth!
5.826 Descargas
shmidi 0.1.1
== Midi experiments
4.436 Descargas
mpd32api 0.1.0
Control akai mpd32
3.770 Descargas
midi-mmc 0.1
Perform MIDI Machine Control (MMC).
337 Descargas