visionmedia-commander 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 visionmedia-commander
visionmedia-jspec 2.11.2
JavaScript BDD Testing Framework
85,796 下载
ktec-subtrac 0.1.58
Simple and opinionated helper for creating and managing subversion and trac projects.
83,095 下载
visionmedia-release 0.3.7
Github release management system
54,432 下载
keithsalisbury-subtrac 1.0.0
The complete solution for managing multiple subversion repositories and trac sites
36,130 下载
visionmedia-bind 0.2.6
bind actions to filesystem events
32,823 下载
rubiojr-iorb 0.5.90 CLI interface
29,532 下载
visionmedia-mini 0.1.0
Github project page framework
25,385 下载
dreamcat4-moonshadow 0.0.5
Rails deployment and configuration management done right. ShadowPuppet + Capistrano == ...
14,527 下载
visionmedia-lightr 0.0.7
High performance syntax highlighting.
13,237 下载
raus22-jspec 2.0.7
JavaScript BDD Testing Framework
10,518 下载
mattfawcett-s3ify 0.1.2
Upload HTML emails to S3
9,196 下载
visionmedia-mygem 0.0.5
Rubygem generation, done YOUR way.
8,340 下载
release 0.4.0
Github release management system
7,000 下载
visionmedia-ass 0.0.3
'Amazing Style Sheets'
5,932 下载
findart 0.0.1
Findart is a handy console application that helps you find high quality album art. It s...
5,116 下载
visionmedia-gen 0.0.1
Template generation that doesn't suck
3,592 下载
visionmedia-css 0.0.2
Stylesheet task automation such as realtime editing
3,535 下载
mattpuchlerz-jspec 2.11.0
JavaScript BDD Testing Framework
3,461 下载