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Dependencias inversas para volt La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren volt

volt-bootstrap 0.1.0

Twitter Bootstrap for the volt framework

35.981 Descargas

volt-editable-text 0.0.9

Volt component that gives a :editable-text control which shows text, and lets you edit ...

23.552 Descargas

volt-google-maps 0.0.8

A google maps component for Volt

18.037 Descargas

volt-bootstrap-jumbotron-theme 0.0.5

Basic jumbotron theme for volt when using bootstrap

16.682 Descargas

volt-google_maps 0.1.7

A google maps component for Volt

16.122 Descargas

volt-sql 0.0.7

sql database drivers for volt

16.057 Descargas

volt-foundation 0.0.6

Foundation for the volt framework

15.056 Descargas

volt-slim 0.1.5

This gem translate slim to volt template.

14.653 Descargas

volt-picnic 1.0.0

Picnic.css for the volt framework

13.451 Descargas

volt-spinner 0.0.4

A simple spinner for Volt.

11.213 Descargas

volt-simple_list_item_selector 0.1.3

Simple Volt Framework selector widget made of list items.

10.130 Descargas

volt-string_as_key_combo 1.0.3

Volt gem for displaying a string representing a combination of keypresses (e.g. "ctrl+a...

9.992 Descargas

volt-browser_irb 0.1.4

A simple console that runs opal in the browser

9.829 Descargas

volt-osmaps 0.1.8

Volt component wrapping Leaflet.js to use OpenStreetMaps in your volt app.

9.707 Descargas

volt-chosen 0.1.3

Volt bindings for Chosen, the JS library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more us...

9.506 Descargas

volt-slider 0.2.0

Slide any type of content using jquery animate

8.791 Descargas

volt-materialize 0.0.4

Materialize css for the volt framework

7.873 Descargas

volt-font_awesome 1.0.2

Gem for including font-awesome in a project using the Volt framework.

7.754 Descargas

volt-gravatar 0.2.0

Shows a gravatar for the currently logged in user

7.739 Descargas

volt-load_more 0.1.2

"Load more" button for apps in the Volt framework.

7.682 Descargas

volt-simple_icon_selector 0.1.2

A simple icon selector for the Volt Framework.

7.609 Descargas

volt-bootstrap_jumbotron_theme 0.1.0

Basic jumbotron theme for volt when using bootstrap

7.601 Descargas

volt-easypiechart 0.3.0

A Volt component to use the EasyPieChart jQuery plugin.

7.592 Descargas

volt-table 0.1.3

It's datatables for Volt.

7.273 Descargas

volt-bootflat 0.0.2

Bootflat Bootstrap theme for Volt framework

6.165 Descargas

volt-bootstrap_flatui_theme 0.1.1

Flat UI free theme for volt when using bootstrap

6.031 Descargas

volt-code_highlight 0.2.0

Simple code highlighting component in volt

5.879 Descargas

volt-materialize-fields 0.0.2

This is a modified version of Volt-Fields to work with Materializecss

5.617 Descargas

volt-open_dyslexic_3 1.0.1

Adds OpenDyslexic 3 font to a Volt project.

5.540 Descargas

volt-notification 0.1.1

Implementation of HTML5 notifications for the volt framework

5.510 Descargas

Total de descargas 401.849

Para esta versión 6.097

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.1
