Dépendances inversées pour volt Latest version of the following gems require volt
volt-redis_message_bus 0.1.1
A message bus strategy for Volt using redis
5 470 Téléchargements
volt-awesome 0.1.1
Awesome UI for @VoltFramework applications. Great for prototyping and hackathons. View ...
5 414 Téléchargements
volt-image_resizer 0.1.1
A gem that provides an image resizing service with optional amazon cloudfront caching
5 333 Téléchargements
volt-s3_uploader 0.1.1
A direct to s3 file uploader
5 319 Téléchargements
volt-progress-bar 0.0.1
This is a simple progress bar component for Volt. The progress bar updates dynamically...
3 712 Téléchargements
volt-braintree 0.1.0
A wrapper around the Braintree gem that provides you with a way to load the Braintree v...
3 692 Téléchargements
volt-skeleton 0.0.1
Skeleton for the volt framework
3 584 Téléchargements
volt-materialize-notices 0.0.1
Utilizes toasts for flash messages with customizable css classes in Volt.
3 390 Téléchargements
volt-wysiwyg 0.0.1
See Summary
3 373 Téléchargements
volt_haml 0.1.0
This gem provides HAML templating support for the Volt Framework
3 334 Téléchargements
volt-gmaps 0.1.0
Adds a google map view for Volt apps. This will let you scroll the page when you mouse ...
3 298 Téléchargements
volt-daterange 0.1.0
Volt wrapper for daterangepicker (bootstrap date picker)
3 263 Téléchargements
volt-select2 0.1.0
Simple wrapper to use select2 with Volt
3 224 Téléchargements