Dependencias inversas para voluntary La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren voluntary
voluntary_text_creation 0.2.0
#Crowdsourcing system voluntary plugin:
16.597 Descargas
voluntary_classified_advertisement 0.3.1
Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software:
12.649 Descargas
voluntary-ember_js 0.1.0
Ember.js support for #crowdsourcing management system voluntary:
12.358 Descargas
voluntary_music_metadata_enrichment 0.2.0
Importer, year in reviews, videos, etc. - changes:
10.027 Descargas
voluntary_translation 0.2.0
Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software:
8.392 Descargas
voluntary_survey 0.1.1
Surveys plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary:
7.504 Descargas
voluntary_scholarship 0.1.0
Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software:
5.870 Descargas
voluntary_recruiting 0.1.0
#Crowdsourcing gem voluntary's recruiting plugin:
5.770 Descargas
voluntary_ranking 0.1.0
Ranking plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary:
5.673 Descargas
voluntary_feedback 0.1.0
Feedback plugin for #Crowdsourcing gem voluntary:
5.488 Descargas
voluntary_brainstorming 0.0.2
Brainstorming plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary:
5.484 Descargas
volontariat 0.0.2
Volunteer recruiting module for crowdsourcing gem voluntary not to mistake it for volon...
5.475 Descargas
voluntary_search_relevance_optimization 0.0.1
DRAFT: plugin for crowdsourcing management system voluntary about optimizing search res...
3.410 Descargas
voluntary_tagging 0.0.1
DRAFT: plugin for crowdsourcing management system voluntary about tagging of content.
3.318 Descargas
voluntary_data_recognition 0.0.1
DRAFT: plugin for crowdsourcing management system voluntary about recognition if data l...
3.305 Descargas
voluntary_georeferencing 0.0.1
Draft: plugin for crowdsourcing management system voluntary about associating a data re...
3.296 Descargas
voluntary_software_evaluation 0.0.1
Brainstorming of software for a purpose and option to request software as a plugin for ...
3.289 Descargas
involuntary 0.0.1
Should extend gem voluntary to turn it in a paid crowdsourcing platform.
3.229 Descargas