webauthn 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 webauthn
rodauth 2.38.0
Rodauth is Ruby's most advanced authentication framework, designed to work in all rack ...
527,372 下載
rodauth-rails 2.1.0
Provides Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework.
317,871 下載
rodauth-model 0.4.0
Provides model mixin for Active Record and Sequel that defines password attribute and a...
215,027 下載
katalyst-koi 4.17.1
Koi CMS admin framework
23,209 下載
clarion 1.1.0
Web-based WebAuthn (U2F) Helper for CLI operations (SSH login...)
11,736 下載
warden-webauthn 0.3.0
A Warden Strategy for WebAuthn
9,286 下載
passkeys-rails 0.3.3
Devise is awesome, but we don't need all that UI/UX for PassKeys. This gem is to make i...
5,018 下載
has_secure_passkey 0.2.7
Add passkey support to Rails
1,621 下載
devise-passkey 0.1.0
Allow Devise users to authenticate via webauthn-compliant passkeys, like Yubikey, FaceI...
845 下載
booth 0.0.1
In Devise you own controllers, models and views. With Booth you don't own the models (m...
839 下載