RubyGems Navigation menu

websocket-client-simple 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 websocket-client-simple

discordrb 3.5.0

A Ruby implementation of the Discord ( API.

2,497,600 下載

litecable 0.8.2

Fat-free ActionCable implementation for using with AnyCable (and without Rails)

1,650,815 下載

torquebox 3.2.0

TorqueBox Gem

304,837 下載

hawkular-client 5.0.0

A Ruby client for Hawkular

280,267 下載 1.2.1

A simple ruby client for Node.js's Socket.IO v1.1.x, Supports only WebSocket.

96,148 下載

sinatra-websocketio 0.4.1

WebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO

94,225 下載

ruboty-slack_rtm 3.2.5

Slack real time messaging adapter for Ruboty

82,446 下載

pagoda 0.7.8

Pagoda Box User facing interface to improve workflow with Pagoda Box

64,362 下載

SimBot 0.1.43

SimBot simulation Bot CLI used to simulate real world trading activity on the exchange ...

63,450 下載

react-rails-hot-loader 0.8.0

Tie into the `react-rails` gem to notify the client of changed files & reload asset...

58,403 下載

trade-o-matic 0.6.0


37,030 下載

bitflyer 1.4.0

Bitflyer API wrapper

36,709 下載

farcall 0.4.6

Simple and effective cross-platform RPC protocol. Can work with any transport capable t...

32,047 下載

gremlin_client 0.1.6

Simple Gremlin server client for the WebSocketChannelizer

31,613 下載

asterisk-ari-client 0.0.8

Ruby client library for the Asterisk REST Interface (ARI).

31,095 下載

sps-pub 0.5.5

A SimplePubSub client for publishing messages in 1 line of code.

30,876 下載

simple-websocket-vcr 1.0.0

Websocket VCR add-on

23,892 下載

deribit-api 2.0.2

Idiomatic Ruby library for Deribit API 2.0

19,706 下載

mij-discord 1.0.11

Discord bot library partially based on Discordrb

16,790 下載

websockethook 0.2.02

Listen for web hooks in your app without creating a web service.

16,033 下載

intrinio-realtime 5.1.0

Intrinio Ruby SDK for Real-Time Stock Prices

15,924 下載

slack-rtm-bot-helper 1.1.0

slack-rtm-bot-helper supports development slack bot using rtm.

15,308 下載

cbx 0.1.2

A complete interface to the Coinbase Exchange trading API.

13,571 下載

binance_api 1.0.1

A Binance API wrapper written in ruby

12,610 下載

leapmotion 0.0.4

LeapMotion WebSocket wrapper for Ruby

11,897 下載

ruboty-slack_reaction_added 0.6.0

Slack reaction added extension for Ruboty

10,571 下載

razrbit 0.0.4

Razrbit allows access to the REST services offered by LUXSTACK.

10,084 下載

swarmclient 0.1.5

A gem for the CRUD operations on the bluzelle SwarmDB

7,964 下載

zaif_wrapper 1.0.0

I made this so that We can easily use Zaif's API

6,797 下載

wsdirector-core 1.0.3

Scenario-based WebSocket black-box testing

6,789 下載

總下載次數 5,572,104

這個版本 343,129



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.9
