whois 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 whois
whois-parser 2.0.0
Whois Parser is a WHOIS parser written in pure Ruby. It can parse and convert responses...
7,554,099 下载
sensu-plugins-network-checks 5.0.0
This plugin provides native network instrumentation for m...
5,770,737 下载
lita-whois 1.1.0
WHOIS handler for lita chat bot
1,137,209 下载
sensu-plugins-dns 3.0.0
This plugin provides native DNS instrumentation for monit...
588,935 下载
validators 3.4.2
Add some nice ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validators.
539,064 下载
pwn 0.5.253
446,673 下载
Define realistic testplans and run them against your webapps
212,444 下载
mihari 8.1.0
A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
199,691 下载
wmap 2.8.6
wmap is written to perform Internet web application / service discovery. The discovery ...
56,916 下载
name_checker 0.0.15
NameChecker is a Ruby library for checking the availability of a word across various TL...
38,060 下载
dorothy2 2.0.0
A malware/botnet analysis framework written in Ruby.
28,782 下载
site-inspector 3.2.0
Returns information about a domain's technology and capabilities
26,689 下载
docheck 1.1.3
Domain name availability checker.
25,461 下载
lita-reminder 0.1.0
Reminder for Lita chat bot
16,589 下载
apullo 0.2.0
A scanner for basic network fingerprints
14,824 下载
em-whois 0.4.0
Asynchronous WHOIS queries via EventMachine (based on synchronous whois gem)
13,823 下载
domain_expiry 1.0.3
A simple gem checking for domain expiry.
11,190 下载
domain_expiry 1.0.3
A simple gem checking for domain expiry.
11,190 下载
web_checker 0.1.21
A simple service for checking the availability of web resource
10,977 下载
dnsmadeeasy_verify 0.0.5
Uses DNS Made Easy as the domain source list to ns lookup name servers and verify.
10,894 下载
pwhois 1.2.2
pwhois is a small command-line utility that takes advantage of the whois module to ...
10,862 下载
socialinvestigator 0.0.6
Simple command line tool to look at urls.
10,303 下载
turboname 0.0.3
finding domain names at lightspeed
9,624 下载
phisher_phinder 0.4.0
A collection of tools to dissect and report on phishing emails
9,066 下载
blend 0.2.0
Project management for HappyFunCorp projects.
7,464 下载
ha-finder 0.0.3
Use this command line tool to find homograph attacks.
7,428 下载
robut_whois 0.0.2
Robut will give you the whois information about a domain
7,375 下载
bitter_domain 0.1.4
Get a list of available domains 1 bit away from a given domain
7,132 下载
bulkdom 0.1.0
An efficient domain name availability bulk checker that looks for the presence of DNS R...
5,729 下载
davail 1.0.2
A command line utility for easily determining domain name availability.
5,615 下载