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ya2yaml 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ya2yaml

i18nliner 0.2.4

No .yml files. Inline defaults. Optional keys. Inferred interpolation values. Wrappers ...

770,156 下載

i18n_tools 0.1.6

Tasks for extracting missing and unused translations from Rails projects

149,322 下載

translation_center 2.0.2

Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 3 apps. It builds a translat...

136,211 下載

babelphish 0.4.5

Babelphish helps you make a quick translation of your application using Google Translate.

105,775 下載

translations_sync 0.4.14

Synchronizes the different locales represeinted in yaml for I18n

76,210 下載

exvo_globalize 0.6.0

It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app

61,587 下載

i18n_translation_spawner 0.0.18

Gem for automatic creation of i18n keys in your YAML files as you develop

58,003 下載

translate-rails3 0.4.0

This plugin provides a web interface for translating Rails I18n texts (requires Rails 3...

48,920 下載

interpret 1.1.2

Manage your app translations with an i18n active_record backend

44,846 下載

i18n-translators-tools 0.2.8

This package brings you useful utility and library which can help you to handle locale ...

44,485 下載

yaml2csv 0.0.3

yaml2csv converts between YAML and CSV files

40,606 下載

rails_locale_sorter 0.1.1

Manage Rails Locale YAML: Sort, remove duplicates, and create stubs for other languages.

39,014 下載

translate-rails3-plus 0.0.15

This plugin provides a web interface for translating Rails I18n texts (requires Rails 3...

31,486 下載

afalkear_translation_center 1.8.4

Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 4 apps. It builds a translat...

30,095 下載

leap_cli 1.9.2

The command "leap" can be used to manage a bevy of servers running the LEAP platform fr...

28,909 下載

ready_for_i18n 0.3.0

ready_for_i18n will help you extract visible hard-coded text from your ERB view files, ...

28,498 下載

i18n_sync 0.5.1

Gem to sync all locale yml/rb files based on a "master" one.

28,348 下載

rabelyoda 1.1.4

A simple utility to push/pull l10n resources of a Rails project to/from the translators

27,576 下載

vocab 0.1.2

Export strings that need to be translated and integrate the completed translations

27,351 下載

math_metadata_lookup 0.2.1

This utility/library search mathematical reviews sites and fetches metadata about artic...

27,296 下載

transdifflation 0.0.5

Compares yml locate files with yours and generate diff files to maintain gems or adjace...

17,853 下載

bike 0.2.3

Bike is a web application framework that can make feature-rich apps by HTML files only....

14,698 下載

hash-tree 0.0.4

HashTree help you to work with nested hashes and arrays.

13,274 下載

i18n_locale_editor 0.0.3

Rails i18n locale web editor as plugin

11,655 下載

translatr 0.1.2

Some i18n helpers for handling translations.

11,459 下載

i18n_kit 0.0.3

You can import XML files that were exported using Excel, or standard i18n hierarchical ...

11,431 下載

simplificator-babel 0.2.0

Utility to guess the language of a text

7,837 下載

yamln8tor 0.0.4

Provides syntax checking on YAML files over Rails' i18n framework file structure

6,845 下載

yml_gtranslate 0.0.4

Uses Google Translate service to translate your *.yml files in your Rails projects. Han...

6,416 下載

yamlclean 0.1.2

Clean issues out of yaml files. Thanks to and ya2yaml

6,263 下載

總下載次數 3,690,105

這個版本 2,722,131


Ruby 版本需求: > 0.0.0
