zmq 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 zmq
marionette 0.0.14
Marionette connects a puppet node to its master and executes puppet runs on demand. Mar...
56,033 下載
zas-client 0.2.0
Client for communicating with ZeroAS
41,867 下載
zas-service 0.2.0
ZeroAS provides an authentication service that uses 0mq as its transport protocol
29,458 下載
vagrant-dns-server 0.4.3
A vagrant plugin to automanage dns registration on local machine
19,977 下載
asir_zmq 1.2.0
ZMQ transport for ASIR
12,941 下載
em-zeromq-mri 0.3.0.rc.1
Low level event machine support for ZeroMQ
6,525 下載