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bulkrax 3.0.0.beta6

Bulkrax is a batteries included importer for Samvera applications. It currently includes support for OAI-PMH (DC and Qualified DC) and CSV out of the box. It is also designed to be extensible, allowing you to easily add new importers in to your application or to include them with other gems. Bulkrax provides a full admin interface including creating, editing, scheduling and reviewing imports.

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  1. 8.2.0 - September 19, 2024 (136 KB)
  2. 8.1.0 - June 03, 2024 (134 KB)
  3. 8.0.0 - April 02, 2024 (134 KB)
  4. 7.0.0 - March 02, 2024 (124 KB)
  5. 6.0.1 - December 11, 2023 (117 KB)
  6. 3.0.0.beta6 - April 27, 2022 (96 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (61 total)

dependencias de Runtime (12):

bagit ~> 0.4
coderay >= 0
iso8601 ~> 0.9.0
kaminari >= 0
language_list ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.1
libxml-ruby ~> 3.1.0
loofah >= 2.2.3
oai >= 0.4, < 2.x
rack >= 2.0.6
rails >= 5.1.6
rdf >= 2.0.2, < 4.0

dependencias de Development (2):

simplecov >= 0
sqlite3 ~> 1.3.13


Subida por:


  • Rob Kaufman

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de descargas 60.047

Para esta versión 742

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0

Versión de Rubygems requerida: > 1.3.1
