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chef 16.17.51-universal-mingw32

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.




  1. 18.6.2 December 13, 2024 universal-mingw-ucrt (76,2 Mo)
  2. 18.6.2 December 13, 2024 (1,67 Mo)
  3. 18.5.0 July 09, 2024 x64-mingw-ucrt (76,2 Mo)
  4. 18.5.0 July 09, 2024 (1,68 Mo)
  5. 18.4.12 March 14, 2024 x64-mingw-ucrt (76,2 Mo)
  6. 16.17.51 February 17, 2022 universal-mingw32 (76,3 Mo)
Voir toutes les versions (638)

Dépendances de Runtime (47):

bcrypt_pbkdf ~> 1.1
bundler >= 1.10
chef-config = 16.17.51
chef-utils = 16.17.51
chef-vault >= 0
chef-zero >= 14.0.11
diff-lcs >= 1.2.4, < 1.4.0
ed25519 ~> 1.2
erubis ~> 2.7
ffi >= 1.9.25
ffi-libarchive ~> 1.0, >= 1.0.3
ffi-yajl ~> 2.2
highline >= 1.6.9, < 3
iniparse ~> 1.4
inspec-core ~> 4.23
iso8601 >= 0.12.1, < 0.14
license-acceptance >= 1.0.5, < 3
mixlib-archive >= 0.4, < 2.0
mixlib-authentication >= 2.1, < 4
mixlib-cli >= 2.1.1, < 3.0
mixlib-log >= 2.0.3, < 4.0
mixlib-shellout >= 3.1.1, < 4.0
net-sftp >= 2.1.2, < 4.0
net-ssh >= 5.1, < 7
net-ssh-multi ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.1
ohai ~> 16.0
pastel >= 0
plist ~> 3.2
proxifier ~> 1.0
syslog-logger ~> 1.6
train-core ~> 3.2, >= 3.2.28
train-winrm >= 0.2.5
tty-prompt ~> 0.21
tty-screen ~> 0.6
tty-table ~> 0.11
uuidtools >= 2.1.5, < 3.0
win32-api ~> 1.5.3
win32-certstore ~> 0.5.0
win32-event ~> 0.6.1
win32-eventlog = 0.6.3
win32-mmap ~> 0.4.1
win32-mutex ~> 0.4.2
win32-process ~> 0.9
win32-service >= 2.1.5, < 3.0
wmi-lite ~> 1.0


Pushed by:


  • Adam Jacob

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 25 214 987

Pour cette version 1 087

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6.0
