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cucumber 4.0.0.rc.2

Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy

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  1. 9.2.0 - March 19, 2024 (76.5 KB)
  2. 9.1.2 - January 23, 2024 (76.5 KB)
  3. 9.1.1 - January 04, 2024 (76.5 KB)
  4. 9.1.0 - November 14, 2023 (78 KB)
  5. 9.0.2 - September 11, 2023 (78.5 KB)
  6. 4.0.0.rc.2 - October 31, 2019 (112 KB)
Show all versions (194 total)

Runtime Dependencies (8):

builder ~> 3.2, >= 3.2.3
cucumber-core >= 5.0.0, ~> 5.0
cucumber-expressions ~> 8.0, >= 8.0.2
cucumber-wire >= 1.0.0, ~> 1.0
diff-lcs >= 1.3, ~> 1.3
gherkin ~> 8.1, >= 8.1.1
multi_json ~> 1.13, >= 1.13.1
multi_test ~> 0.1, >= 0.1.2

Development Dependencies (14):

aruba ~> 0.14, >= 0.14.11
capybara = 3.15.0
json >= 2.2.0, ~> 2.2
nokogiri ~> 1.10, >= 1.10.4
octokit >= 4.14.0, ~> 4.14
pry ~> 0.12, >= 0.12.2
rack-test >= 1.1.0, ~> 1.1
rake ~> 12.3, >= 12.3.3
rspec >= 3.8.0, ~> 3.8
rubocop ~> 0.75, = 0.75.1
simplecov >= 0.17.0, ~> 0.17
sinatra ~> 2.0, >= 2.0.5
syntax ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.2
test-unit ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.3


Pushed by:


  • Aslak Hellesøy, Matt Wynne, Steve Tooke

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 76,440,974

For this version 1,804



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.3

Required Rubygems Version: > 1.3.1
