RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour dm-validations Latest version of the following gems require dm-validations

data_mapper 1.2.0

Faster, Better, Simpler.

1 669 604 Téléchargements

datamapper 1.2.0

Faster, Better, Simpler.

476 753 Téléchargements

dm-active_model 1.2.1

A datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility.

277 083 Téléchargements

dm-persevere-adapter 0.72.0

A DataMapper Adapter for persevere

225 507 Téléchargements

merb-admin 0.8.8

MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data

167 333 Téléchargements

dm-redis-adapter 0.10.1

DataMapper adapter for the Redis key-value database

158 769 Téléchargements

dm-sweatshop 1.2.0

DataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models

154 296 Téléchargements

dm-tags 1.2.0

This package brings tagging to DataMapper. It is inspired by Acts As Taggable On by Mi...

120 263 Téléchargements

opentox-ruby-api-wrapper 1.6.5

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

98 683 Téléchargements

dm-rest-adapter 1.2.0

REST Adapter for DataMapper

94 597 Téléchargements

dm-is-remixable 1.2.0

dm-is-remixable allow you to create reusable data functionality

93 918 Téléchargements

ncs_mdes_warehouse 0.14.0

Scripts and models for building and maintaining the MDES-based reporting warehouse for ...

93 363 Téléchargements

dm-parse 0.3.20

An extension to make DataMapper working on

88 974 Téléchargements

dm-zone-types 0.3

Timezone aware datatypes for DataMapper

82 908 Téléchargements

dm-postgres-types 0.0.6

Adds support for native PostgreSQL datatypes, including JSON, HSTORE, and Array to Data...

80 997 Téléchargements


PlatformX Gem for PlatformX

72 927 Téléchargements

rails_dm_datastore 0.2.16

This gem patches all of the problems that appear from running Rails with DataMapper on ...

62 973 Téléchargements

dm-rspec 0.3.0

RSpec matchers for DataMapper

59 410 Téléchargements

dm-validations-i18n 0.3.10

Localize error messages in dm-validations.

55 489 Téléchargements


Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

52 283 Téléchargements

sinatra-authentication 0.4.1

Simple authentication plugin for sinatra.

50 953 Téléchargements

ixtlan 0.4.3

this is set of rails and datamapper plugins for setting up a little more advanced rails...

50 951 Téléchargements

carrierwave-datamapper 0.2.2

Datamapper support for CarrierWave

50 253 Téléchargements

dm-paperclip 2.5.0

File attachments as attributes for DataMapper, based on the original Paperclip by Jon Y...

49 772 Téléchargements

appengine-utils 0.1.8

some helper and util stuff for the jruby wrapper for the google app engine to make life...

42 087 Téléchargements

opentox-ruby 4.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

39 395 Téléchargements

sinmetrics 0.0.9

A full-featured metrics extension for the sinatra webapp framework

33 585 Téléchargements

omf_sfa 0.2.7

OMF's Aggregate manager with SFA and new REST API.

30 744 Téléchargements

roles_data_mapper 0.3.1

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in DataMapper

30 549 Téléchargements

roles_data_mapper 0.3.1

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in DataMapper

30 549 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 2 424 991

Pour cette version 2 061 308



Version de Ruby requise: None
