RubyGems Navigation menu

dry-monads 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 dry-monads

dry-transaction 0.16.0

Business Transaction Flow DSL

4,547,736 下載

dry-monads-sorbet 1.1.7

Sorbet type hints for Dry::Monads

722,048 下載

uploadcare-api_struct 1.2.0

API wrapper builder with response serialization

292,582 下載

gemsmith 23.2.0

A command line interface for smithing Ruby gems.

289,732 下載

hyrax 5.0.4

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...

237,507 下載

mihari 8.1.0

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

198,266 下載

sdr-client 2.19.0

This provides a way to deposit repository objects into the Stanford Digital Repository

192,046 下載

nandi 0.13.0

Fear-free migrations for PostgreSQL

190,341 下載

milestoner 19.3.0

A command line interface for automated Git repository milestones.

151,556 下載

event_store_client 3.2.0

Easy to use client for event-sources applications written in ruby

149,333 下載

git-lint 9.1.0

A command line interface for linting Git commits.

135,963 下載

g2_command 3.2.0

An implementation of the command pattern using dry-rb

124,500 下載

api_struct 1.0.5

API wrapper builder with response serialization

122,672 下載

appfuel 0.7.0

A library that allows you to isolate your business code

119,576 下載

dry-mutations 1.6.0

Mutations gem interface implemented with `dry-rb`’s validation schemas.

116,127 下載

spek 4.1.0

An enhanced gem specification wrapper.

106,898 下載

sublime_text_kit 18.1.0

A command line interface for managing Sublime Text metadata.

101,246 下載

miteru 3.0.1

A phishing kit collector for scavengers

95,615 下載

coltrane 4.1.2

It deals with all sorts of calculations around music theory and allows for graphical re...

82,471 下載

friendly_shipping 0.10.1

Allows you to quote or ship a Physical::Shipment object

78,910 下載

clean-architecture 6.1.0

An attempt at building a reusable Clean Architecture framework for Ruby

78,665 下載

rubysmith 8.2.0

A command line interface for smithing Ruby projects.

72,504 下載

bulkrax 9.0.2

Bulkrax is a batteries included importer for Samvera applications. It currently include...

68,565 下載

asaas-ruby 0.2.30 Ruby API Wrapper

65,048 下載

pkce 3.1.0

An OAuth Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) challenge and code verifier.

58,521 下載

api-blocks 0.10.0

Simple and consistent rails api extensions

57,746 下載

gitt 4.2.0

A monadic Object API for the Git CLI.

56,646 下載

devise-api 0.2.0

The devise-api gem is a convenient way to add authentication to your Ruby on Rails appl...

45,558 下載

locabulary 0.8.1

An extraction of limited localized vocabulary for Sipity and CurateND.

41,584 下載

light_service_object 0.1.12

Service object based on DRY.rb components for speed and less boilerplate

40,739 下載

總下載次數 21,831,373

這個版本 2,007




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.1.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
