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falkorlib 0.6.19

This is my personal library I use to share the Ruby tidbits and Rake tasks I made it for my various projects, and also to bootstrap easily several element of my daily workflow (new git repository, new beamer slides etc.). This is also my first gem so any comments on the code/organization are welcome, I'm a newbie in this domain. Note that I used [Noe]( to bootstrap this project and get a fully documented environment.

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  1. 0.9.1 - August 31, 2024 (495 KB)
  2. 0.9.0 - December 10, 2023 (491 KB)
  3. 0.8.10 - August 19, 2022 (776 KB)
  4. 0.8.9 - June 05, 2022 (780 KB)
  5. 0.8.8 - September 28, 2020 (780 KB)
  6. 0.6.19 - October 16, 2016 (246 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (94 total)

dependencias de Runtime (14):

artii >= 2.1
awesome_print ~> 1.2
configatron ~> 3.2
deep_merge ~> 1.0.1
diffy >= 3.0
facter ~> 2.4.1
json ~> 1.8
logger >= 1.2.8
minigit ~> 0
rake >= 10.1.0, ~> 10.1
thor >= 0.19

dependencias de Development (8):

bundler ~> 1.0
pry ~> 0.9
rspec ~> 3.0
travis ~> 1.6
travis-lint ~> 1.8
yard ~> 0.8



  • Sebastien Varrette

SHA 256 checksum:

= Copiar al portapapeles ¡Copiado!

Total de descargas 199.650

Para esta versión 1.986

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
