haml 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 haml
spire 0.4.11
Light rack-based framework with controllers, HAML/ERB views, router & error handler
92,156 下载
local_pac 0.10.2
This gem helps you to serve proxy.pacs locallly
92,045 下载
firefly 1.5.3
Firefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...
91,434 下载
sinatra-respond_to 0.9.0
A respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra
91,192 下载
stasis 0.2.0
Stasis is a dynamic framework for static sites.
90,922 下载
kramdown-haml 0.0.3
HAML filter for Kramdown
90,587 下载
gitdoc 4.5.0
A light-weight web app for serving up a folder of markdown files
87,002 下载
magent 0.7.0
Simple job queue system based on mongodb
86,853 下载
togostanza 2.2.2
Development tools of TogoStanza
84,973 下载
reveal-ck 4.0.0
A cli for generating reveal.js presentations from markdown.
84,136 下载
rad_core 0.2.7
Simple and highly customizable Web Framework encouraging to build an app as a set of lo...
84,111 下载
ww 0.4.2
Double Web, framework to build double Web server.
84,054 下载
marfa 0.10.2
Sinatra-based wrapper for our projects
84,049 下载
shoppe 1.1.2
A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.
83,902 下载
thecore_ui_commons 3.2.19
Engine to serve configurations and rails module useful for all the UIs.
83,383 下载
ifd_tools 0.3.3
Emergency messaging, application updates, notifier updates, user management & base Acti...
82,311 下载
speedo 0.4.1
This is a layout gem intended as a backdrop for developing rails applications quickly. ...
81,552 下载
lotus_admin 1.6.0
Bootstrap 3 Material Design Simple Admin Interface.
80,663 下载
machined 1.1.0
Why another static site generator? Machined is for the developers who know and love the...
80,419 下载
plist4r 1.2.2
Plist4r is for editing Plist files in an easy-to-use, fast, and reliabile way. A compre...
78,885 下载
pag_seguro 0.5.6
A ruby gem to handle PagSeguro's API version 2
78,272 下载
piano 0.12.0
Out-of-the-box sinatra server for web site sketching using haml + sass + coffee-script
78,128 下载
slanger 0.6.1
A websocket service compatible with Pusher libraries
77,806 下载
docubot 1.2.0
DocuBot creates HTML or CHM documentation from a hierarchy of files, supporting markups...
77,332 下载
dj_mon 1.1.0
A Rails engine based frontend for Delayed Job
77,194 下载
arcabouco 0.2.16
Arcabouco WebApp Framework
76,984 下载
lobby 0.0.27
Lightweight authentication for my projects
76,645 下载
active_storage_drag_and_drop 1.1.0
Provides a form helper to make it easy to make drag and drop file upload fields that wo...
75,043 下载
angular_xss 1.0.0
Patches rails_xss and Haml so AngularJS interpolations are auto-escaped in unsafe strings.
74,963 下载
haml-coderay 0.2.0
Adds a CodeRay syntax highlighting filter to Haml
74,925 下载