RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour json Latest version of the following gems require json

faraday 2.12.2

HTTP/REST API client library.

926 378 724 Téléchargements

excon 1.2.5

EXtended http(s) CONnections

551 071 264 Téléchargements

rubocop 1.73.2

RuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the ...

512 132 313 Téléchargements

msgpack 1.8.0

MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exc...

371 034 223 Téléchargements

msgpack 1.8.0

MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exc...

371 034 223 Téléchargements

sidekiq 8.0.1

Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby.

257 971 791 Téléchargements

coffee-script 2.4.1

Ruby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler.

229 168 500 Téléchargements

fastlane 2.226.0

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

151 669 243 Téléchargements

http_parser.rb 0.8.0

Ruby bindings to and

144 007 885 Téléchargements

yajl-ruby 1.4.3

Ruby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.

89 157 117 Téléchargements

savon 2.15.1

Heavy metal SOAP client

79 907 739 Téléchargements

jquery-ui-rails 7.0.0

jQuery UI's JavaScript, CSS, and image files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline

78 502 505 Téléchargements

algoliasearch 1.27.5

A simple Ruby client for the REST API

68 752 297 Téléchargements

bootstrap-sass 3.4.1

bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your ...

66 753 514 Téléchargements

aws-sdk-v1 1.67.0

Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Available as both `aws-sdk` and `aws-sdk-v1`. Use `a...

58 499 736 Téléchargements

fog 2.3.0

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

58 357 917 Téléchargements

atlassian-jwt 0.2.1

This gem simplifies generating the claims needed to authenticate with the Atlassian Con...

41 781 207 Téléchargements

pusher 2.0.3

Wrapper for Pusher Channels REST api: :

37 209 322 Téléchargements

train-core 3.12.7

A minimal Train with a backends for ssh and winrm.

36 849 887 Téléchargements

redlock 2.0.6

Distributed lock using Redis written in Ruby. Highly inspired by

33 957 263 Téléchargements

jekyll 4.4.1

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

32 368 324 Téléchargements

deckar01-task_list 2.3.4

Markdown TaskList components

31 948 413 Téléchargements


CBOR is a library for the CBOR binary object representation format, based on Sadayuki F...

31 254 271 Téléchargements

journey 1.0.4

Journey is a router. It routes requests.

30 700 042 Téléchargements

resque-scheduler 4.11.0

Light weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to...

30 428 767 Téléchargements

rbvmomi 3.0.0

Ruby interface to the VMware vSphere API

29 394 366 Téléchargements

console 1.30.2

Beautiful logging for Ruby.

28 996 053 Téléchargements

pact-mock_service 3.12.3

Provides a mock service for use with Pact

28 893 538 Téléchargements

koala 3.6.0

Koala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to...

25 647 765 Téléchargements

gemojione 4.3.3

A gem for EmojiOne

25 361 304 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 973 293 752

Pour cette version 216 213

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7
