kaminari 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 kaminari
active_model_serializers 0.10.15
ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...
108,261,079 下載
elasticsearch-model 8.0.0
ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.
65,664,646 下載
activeadmin 3.3.0
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
38,766,822 下載
rails_admin 3.3.0
RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...
10,831,072 下載
api-pagination 6.0.0
Link header pagination for Rails and Grape APIs
9,778,518 下載
algoliasearch-rails 3.0.2
AlgoliaSearch integration to your favorite ORM
7,463,992 下載
bootstrap-kaminari-views 0.0.5
Bootstrap-ify pagination with Kaminari - Compatible with Bootstrap 2.x, 3.x
6,031,293 下載
administrate 0.20.1
Administrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin, but aims...
5,774,334 下載
solidus_backend 4.5.1
Admin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
3,151,209 下載
solidus_frontend 4.0.0
Legacy cart and storefront for the Solidus e-commerce project. For new Solidus apps, we...
2,963,134 下載
spree_core 4.10.1
Spree Models, Helpers, Services and core libraries
2,522,999 下載
kaminari-i18n 0.5.0
Translations for the kaminari gem
2,268,910 下載
search_object 1.2.5
Search object DSL
2,253,854 下載
kaminari-bootstrap 3.0.1
Kaminari views for Twitter Bootstrap (rails engine)
2,153,283 下載
blacklight 8.8.4
Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...
1,466,391 下載
bootstrap4-kaminari-views 1.0.1
Bootstrap 4 styling for Kaminari gem
1,243,871 下載
graphiti 1.8.1
Easily build jsonapi.org-compatible APIs
904,004 下載
alchemy_cms 7.4.2
Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.
872,242 下載
trestle 0.10.1
Trestle is a modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails.
770,566 下載
rails_db 2.4.5
Quick way to inspect your Rails database, see content of tables, filter, export them to...
659,249 下載
graphiti-rails 0.4.1
Rails integration for Graphiti
653,906 下載
rocket_pants 1.13.1
Rocket Pants adds JSON API love to Rails and ActionController, making it simpler to bui...
614,268 下載
bhf 0.10.17
A simple to use Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user. Easy ...
589,469 下載
restpack_serializer 0.6.15
Model serialization, paging, side-loading and filtering
579,675 下載
wice_grid 7.1.4
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
526,255 下載
social_stream-base 2.2.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
426,344 下載
couchrest_model 2.0.4
CouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...
397,613 下載
smart_listing 1.2.3
Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.
394,575 下載
paginate-responder 2.1.0
A Rails pagination responder with link header support.
385,943 下載
decidim-core 0.29.2
Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.
358,330 下載