RubyGems Navigation menu

net-http 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 net-http

faraday-net_http 3.1.0

Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP

335,056,613 下載

geokit-rails 2.5.0

Official Geokit plugin for Rails/ActiveRecord. Provides location-based goodness for you...

9,974,691 下載

fastlane-plugin-dynatrace 2.1.3

This action processes and uploads your symbol files to Dynatrace

341,916 下載


Microbial Genomes Atlas

340,312 下載

iqvoc 4.14.5

iQvoc - a SKOS(-XL) vocabulary management system built on the Semantic Web

166,679 下載

ZReviewTender 1.3.8

ZReviewTender - App Reviews Automatic Bot

48,619 下載

ZMediumToMarkdown 2.3.8

ZMediumToMarkdown lets you download Medium post and convert it to markdown format easily.

46,165 下載


Description of Olivander.

21,617 下載

phl-covid-testing 0.2.0

Offers several ways to search and view details of COVID-19 testing locations in Philade...

14,193 下載

ath_vega 0.1.16

Ath helps you plan your workout using exercises from the open source app, 'wger'.

11,137 下載

mygem57 1.0.6

Sample Description

10,561 下載

antispam 0.2.0

Antispam checks DNS blacklists and helps prevent spam on your site.

9,936 下載

pets 0.2.5

PETS suite includes three different tools. CohortAnalyzer performs the calculation of s...

8,572 下載

validates-correios-cep 0.1.3

Brazilian zipcode validations for ActiveRecord, integrated with correios-cep gem.

8,461 下載

ince-api 0.2.0

A simple wrapper for 1nce API

8,101 下載

feed_into 0.2.9

Merge multiple different data streams into a custom structure. Also easy to expand by a...

7,145 下載

squake 0.6.2

This gem provides an interface for the SQUAKE API to calculate and compensate carbon em...

6,002 下載


The 'generate_image' gem provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for generating ima...

4,154 下載

mint_http 0.1.8

Like a mint breeze, MintHttp allows you to write simple HTTP requests while giving you ...

3,532 下載

warden_openid_bearer 0.2.2

This gem is like the `warden_openid_auth` gem, except that it only provides support for...

3,361 下載

mistfiles 0.0.1

Mistfiles is a gem for people who don't like the 'Rails' way. Mistfiles returns a Net::...

3,348 下載

gmo_services 0.1.6

Payment solutions with GMO services

3,152 下載

newsman 0.2.1

A simple gem that gathers GitHub statistics and creates human-readable report

2,889 下載

genesis_ruby 0.1.6

Ruby Client for Genesis Payment Processing Gateway

2,872 下載

adspower-client 1.0.11

Ruby library for operating AdsPower API.

2,578 下載

sudokku_cli 0.1.8

A CLI program for logging in to Sudokku git server.

2,569 下載

ZAPKDownloader 1.0.4


1,930 下載

jekyll-fetch 0.2.1

Liquid filter that enables including content from an HTTP URL

1,793 下載

daicadp 0.1.3

Use with commandline interface. No browsers, no interface, only termi...

1,727 下載

s6kpay 0.5.0

Use with commandline interface. No browsers, no interface, only termi...

1,693 下載

總下載次數 17,813,502

這個版本 10,966,574


Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0
