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openc3 6.2.1

OpenC3 provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data from one or more embedded systems referred to as "targets". Out of the box functionality includes: Telemetry Display, Telemetry Graphing, Operational and Test Scripting, Command Sending, Logging, and more.




  1. 6.2.1 March 07, 2025 (487 KB)
  2. 6.2.0 March 01, 2025 (487 KB)
  3. 6.1.0 February 05, 2025 (485 KB)
  4. 6.0.2 January 09, 2025 (483 KB)
  5. 6.0.1 December 20, 2024 (482 KB)
Zeige alle Versionen (55 total)

Runtime Abhängigkeiten (40):

bundler ~> 2.3
cbor ~>
childprocess ~> 5.0
faraday ~> 2.7
ffi ~> 1.15
hiredis-client ~> 0.22
irb = 1.6.2
json ~> 2.6
jsonpath ~> 1.1
listen ~> 3.9
matrix ~> 0.4
mqtt ~> 0.6
nokogiri ~> 1.14
psych ~> 5.0
puma ~> 6.2
rack ~> 3.0
rackup ~> 2.1
rake ~> 13.0
rdoc ~> 6.5
redis ~> 5.0
resolv-replace ~> 0.1.1
rubyzip ~> 2.3
tzinfo-data ~> 1.2023
uuidtools ~> 2.2
webrick ~> 1.8
websocket ~> 1.2
yard ~> 0.9

Development Abhängigkeiten (14):

benchmark-ips ~> 2.9
diff-lcs ~> 1.4
flay ~> 2.12
flog ~> 4.6
listen ~> 3.7
mock_redis ~> 0.47
reek ~> 6.0
rspec ~> 3.10
rspec-rails ~> 7.0
ruby-prof ~> 1.4
simplecov ~> 0.21


Pushed by:


  • Ryan Melton, Jason Thomas

SHA 256-Prüfsumme:


Downloads insgesamt 27.039

Für diese Version 123

Version veröffentlicht:


AGPL-3.0-only, Nonstandard

Erforderliche Ruby-Version: >= 3.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
