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railties 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 railties


Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...

515,930,140 下载

sprockets-rails 3.4.2

Sprockets Rails integration

397,689,249 下载

rspec-rails 6.1.2

rspec-rails is a testing framework for Rails 5+.

263,350,251 下载

jquery-rails 4.6.0

This gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 4+ application.

242,225,046 下载

responders 3.1.1

A set of Rails responders to dry up your application

218,934,041 下载

coffee-rails 5.0.0

CoffeeScript adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

199,883,082 下载

devise 4.9.4

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

191,578,857 下载

factory_bot_rails 6.4.3

factory_bot_rails provides integration between factory_bot and rails 5.0 or newer

171,964,466 下载

dotenv-rails 3.1.1

Autoload dotenv in Rails.

126,386,456 下载

rails-controller-testing 1.0.5

Extracting `assigns` and `assert_template` from ActionDispatch.

119,383,355 下载

lograge 0.14.0

Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request

119,328,369 下载

sassc-rails 2.1.2

Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails.

112,363,388 下载

web-console 4.2.1

A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications.

105,443,620 下载

active_model_serializers 0.10.14

ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...

91,899,179 下载

rails-i18n 7.0.9

A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your R...

83,706,421 下载

webpacker 5.4.4

Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails

78,617,496 下载

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

73,794,877 下载

jquery-ui-rails 7.0.0

jQuery UI's JavaScript, CSS, and image files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline

71,482,490 下载

doorkeeper 5.7.0

Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape.

67,264,845 下载

pundit 2.3.1

Object oriented authorization for Rails applications

64,250,394 下载


font-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engin...

50,548,894 下载

factory_girl_rails 4.9.0

factory_girl_rails provides integration between factory_girl and rails 3 or newer (...

50,241,101 下载

sentry-rails 5.17.3

A gem that provides Rails integration for the Sentry error logger

47,832,325 下载

graphiql-rails 1.10.0

Use the GraphiQL IDE for GraphQL with Ruby on Rails. This gem includes an engine, a con...

45,161,993 下载

gon 6.4.0

If you need to send some data to your js files and you don't want to do this with long ...

41,750,674 下载

haml-rails 2.1.0

Haml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 5. It also enables Haml as the templating...

41,446,967 下载

friendly_id 5.5.1

FriendlyId is the "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Active R...

40,661,860 下载

jira-ruby 2.3.0


40,313,424 下载

inherited_resources 1.14.0

Inherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restfu...

38,909,664 下载

health_check 3.1.0

Simple health check of Rails app for uptime monitoring with Pingdom, NewRelic, EngineYa...

36,703,947 下载

下载总量 503,936,535

这个版本 2,236,891



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
