RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour redgreen Latest version of the following gems require redgreen

file-utils 0.1.1

file-utils makes using FileUtils easier

966 314 Téléchargements

jekyll-import 0.25.0

Provides the Import command for Jekyll.

236 706 Téléchargements

active_cart 0.0.18

You can use active_cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's not a shopping car...

181 286 Téléchargements

juicer 1.2.0

Resolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the comma...

165 643 Téléchargements

juicer 1.2.0

Resolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the comma...

165 643 Téléchargements

technicalpickles-jeweler 1.2.1

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

91 688 Téléchargements

slugged 2.0.0

Super simple slugs for ActiveRecord 3.0 and higher, with support for slug history

84 400 Téléchargements

phocoder-rails 0.0.58

Rails engine for easy integration with

79 482 Téléchargements

espresso 0.2.1

Useful templates for controller and model functions

70 568 Téléchargements

bloggy 0.3

Add a Jekyll blog to an existing Rails application in seconds

64 085 Téléchargements

andhapp-decoct 1.9.9

Sinatra Rspec project generator

59 870 Téléchargements

flash_render 1.2.0

Inspired by '_P.B.F._' at I use the `[:alert] and r...

53 188 Téléchargements

share_counts 0.1.4

The easiest way to check how many times a URL has been shared on Reddit, Digg, Twitter,...

43 923 Téléchargements

tripwire_notifier 0.2.11

Tripwire captures validation errors from your Ruby on Rails application to help you ide...

42 148 Téléchargements

jeweler2 2.0.9

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

41 806 Téléchargements

bueller 0.0.9

Bueller provides a command to create new gem project directories. Code to help you star...

40 088 Téléchargements

handlebars-rails 0.4.2

Use Handlebars.js client- and server-side

36 375 Téléchargements

schubert-minglr 1.3.11

* This gem provides two executable binaries to interact with Mingle (http://mingle.thou...

31 966 Téléchargements

travis-custom-deploy 0.0.6

Deploy your ruby based applications to your own servers

31 659 Téléchargements


A library to enable per user / group authentication on a read / write basis for git rep...

28 091 Téléchargements

hotwire 0.1.4

Hotwire is designed to ease the pain of creating Google Wire protocol compatible data s...

24 370 Téléchargements

lifestream 0.1.5

downloads and parses lifestream information from sources like facebook and twitter

23 404 Téléchargements

sequel-hive-adapter 0.3.0

A Hadoop Hive adapter for Sequel. Uses RBHive and Thrift.

23 339 Téléchargements

amqp_logging 0.5.5

A ruby logger class that logs to an AMQP exchange in addition to your default log device.

21 351 Téléchargements

silk 0.0.6

It allows you to write rake tasks to do common tasks, such as creating email addresses,...

20 952 Téléchargements

moft 1.0.5

Moft is a simple, static site generator. A fork of jekyll, designed for greater simplic...

20 786 Téléchargements

cloudfront_asset_host 1.1.0

Easy deployment of your assets on CloudFront or S3 using a simple rake-task. When enabl...

19 410 Téléchargements

kentaroi-okayu 0.0.9

A comment viewer for

18 679 Téléchargements

nirvanahq 0.1.4

Gem for interacting with the NirvanaHQ API. Includes a CLI tool. Pretty alpha.

17 698 Téléchargements

gitauth 0.1.0

A library to enable per user / group authentication on a read / write basis for git rep...

17 104 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 377 449

Pour cette version 369 786

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: > 0.0.0
