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spree_core 4.10.1

Spree Models, Helpers, Services and core libraries

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  1. 4.10.1 - September 06, 2024 (264 KB)
  2. 4.10.0 - September 06, 2024 (264 KB)
  3. 4.9.0 - August 14, 2024 (262 KB)
  4. 4.8.3 - June 13, 2024 (258 KB)
  5. 4.8.2 - May 29, 2024 (258 KB)
Show all versions (323 total)

Runtime Dependencies (34):

actionpack >= 6.1, < 8.0
actionview >= 6.1, < 8.0
activejob >= 6.1, < 8.0
activemerchant ~> 1.67
activemodel >= 6.1, < 8.0
activerecord >= 6.1, < 8.0
activestorage >= 6.1, < 8.0
activesupport >= 6.1, < 8.0
acts_as_list >= 0.8
awesome_nested_set ~> 3.3, >= 3.3.1
cancancan ~> 3.2
carmen >= 1.0
friendly_id ~> 5.2, >= 5.2.1
highline >= 2, < 4
kaminari ~> 1.2
mobility ~> 1.2
monetize ~> 1.9
money ~> 6.13
paranoia >= 2.4
railties >= 6.1, < 8.0
ransack >= 4.1
request_store ~> 1.7
rexml >= 0
stringex >= 0


Pushed by:


  • Sean Schofield, Spark Solutions Sp. z o.o., Vendo Connect Inc.

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 2,429,592

For this version 420

Version Released:


AGPL-3.0-or-later, BSD-3-Clause

Required Ruby Version: >= 3.0

Required Rubygems Version: >= 1.8.23
