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station 0.4.1

Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.




  1. 0.5.16 November 23, 2022 (50,9 MB)
  2. 0.5.15 November 04, 2022 (50,9 MB)
  3. 0.5.14 October 24, 2022 (50,9 MB)
  4. 0.5.13 October 19, 2022 (50,9 MB)
  5. 0.5.12 September 29, 2022 (50,9 MB)
  6. 0.4.1 June 21, 2022 (50,9 MB)
Toon alle versies (95 totaal)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (48):

activeadmin ~> 2.7
activesupport ~> 6.0
algoliasearch = 1.27.5
barnes = 0.0.9
bootsnap ~> 1.4
bugsnag ~> 6.13
chartkick = 4.0.5
coffee-rails ~> 5.0
colorize = 0.8.1
countries = 4.0.1
country_select = 6.0.0
devise ~> 4.7
diffy ~> 3.3
geocoder ~> 1.6
gmaps4rails = 2.1.2
greenhouse_io ~> 2.5
groupdate = 5.2.2
icalendar ~> 2.6
jbuilder = 2.11.2
listen ~> 3.2
lograge = 0.11.2
msgpack ~> 1.3
neatjson = 0.9
newrelic_rpm = 7.2.0
nokogiri = 1.11.7
octokit ~> 4.18
pg ~> 1.2
puma >= 5.3, < 6.0
rails ~> 6.1
railties ~> 6.0
readingtime = 0.4.0
recaptcha ~> 5.3
redis = 4.3.1
rest-client = 2.1.0
ruby-progressbar = 1.11.0
sassc-rails = 2.1.2
slack-notifier = 2.4.0
smartling = 2.0.3
split ~> 3.4
terminal-table = 3.0.1
titleize = 1.4.1
truncato ~> 0.7.11
webpacker ~> 5.1
woothee ~> 1.11

Development afhankelijkheden (2):

rubocop ~> 1.16.0
rubocop-rails ~> 2.6


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  • Vonage DevRel

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Total downloads 108.457

Voor deze versie 769

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Required Ruby Version: >= 0
