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sufia 7.4.1

Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repository features and social features. Sufia offers self-deposit, proxy deposit, and configurable mediated deposit workflows. Sufia delivers its rich and growing set of features via a modern, responsive UI

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  1. 7.4.1 - October 10, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  2. 7.4.0 - September 07, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  3. 7.3.1 - April 26, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  4. 7.3.0 - March 21, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  5. 7.3.0.rc3 - March 02, 2017 (6.61 MB)
Show all versions (81 total)

Runtime Dependencies (31):

almond-rails ~> 0.0.1
blacklight < 6.10, ~> 6.6
browse-everything >= 0.10.3
carrierwave ~> 1.0
daemons ~> 1.1
flipflop ~> 2.3
flot-rails ~> 0.0.6
hydra-head >= 10.4.0
hydra-works ~> 0.16
i18n = 0.8.1
legato ~> 0.3
mailboxer ~> 0.12
nest ~> 2.0
oauth >= 0
oauth2 ~> 1.2
qa ~> 0.8
rdf-rdfxml >= 0
redis-namespace ~> 1.5.2
select2-rails ~> 3.5.9
signet >= 0
tinymce-rails ~> 4.1
tinymce-rails-imageupload ~> 4.0.16.beta
yaml_db ~> 0.2

Development Dependencies (17):

capybara ~> 2.4
engine_cart ~> 1.0
fcrepo_wrapper >= 0.5.1, ~> 0.5
jasmine ~> 2.3
mida ~> 0.3
poltergeist ~> 1.5
rspec-its ~> 1.1
rspec-rails ~> 3.1
rubocop ~> 0.42.0
rubocop-rspec ~> 1.8.0
solr_wrapper ~> 0.5



  • Justin Coyne, Michael J. Giarlo, Carolyn Cole, Matt Zumwalt, Jeremy Friesen

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 205,866

For this version 3,277



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
