RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour terrapin Latest version of the following gems require terrapin

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

74 256 114 Téléchargements

cocaine 0.6.0

A small library for doing (command) lines

44 711 115 Téléchargements

kt-paperclip 7.2.2

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

10 737 178 Téléchargements

ember-cli-rails 0.12.2

Integration between Ember CLI and Rails

1 091 071 Téléchargements

glebtv-ckeditor 4.14.1

CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages

141 017 Téléchargements

simple-spreadsheet-extractor 0.18.1

Takes a stream to a spreadsheet file and produces an XML or CSV representation of its c...

136 196 Téléchargements

bives 2.0

Ruby wrapper for the BiVeS model version comparison tool

58 685 Téléchargements

ecs_helper 0.0.37

A simple gem which make CI CD process easier for AWS ECS service

47 285 Téléchargements

openseek-api 0.18

ruby gem to talk to openbis-api java libaries, for use within SEEK4Science

29 329 Téléchargements

sample-template-generator 0.7.1

Bespoke tool for generating spreadsheet templates from Sample Types for use with SEEK.

28 081 Téléchargements

rupeepeethree 0.0.7

tag your mp3 files. a command line wrapper and library around taglib-ruby.

16 216 Téléchargements

anyfetch 0.1.7

Anyfetch provides abstraction layer around multiple protocols to allow accessing files ...

15 880 Téléchargements

data_keeper 0.2.1

Easy management of database dumps for dev env

15 365 Téléchargements

rack-secure-upload 0.1.3

Upload files securely

12 452 Téléchargements

daisydiff 0.0.2

A simple ruby wrapper for Daisy Diff.

11 086 Téléchargements

eikon 0.1.11

A small pure-Ruby (for now) implementation of DHash

5 605 Téléchargements

standardstorage 1.0.2

A simple API for multiple storage backends like B2, S3, and the FileSystem

5 403 Téléchargements

rakemkv 0.3.0

A fully object oriented wrapper around MakeMKV to help facilitate more programmable bac...

4 608 Téléchargements

pdf2html_docker 0.1.1

It converts any kind of PDF documents to HTML, maintaining the style

4 512 Téléchargements

paper_trail_actor 0.1.1

This gem is an extension to paper_trail gem Th...

3 511 Téléchargements

yt-dlp.rb 0.3.1

yt-dlp.rb is a command line wrapper for the python script yt-dlp

2 991 Téléchargements

yt_dlp 0.2.0

Command line wrapper for the python script yt-dlp

2 470 Téléchargements

heyterminal 0.1.0

This is just another tool for running command lines from the terminal. I was inspired b...

1 429 Téléchargements


Rb-YoutubeDL is a wrapper for the python script youtube-dl. Forked from youtube-dl.rb gem.

973 Téléchargements

pdf2html_docker_wrapper_rmenu 1.0.1

It converts any kind of PDF documents to HTML, maintaining the style

940 Téléchargements

morris 0.1.2

The Thing

746 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 53 671 211

Pour cette version 530 675



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
