RubyGems Navigation menu

terrapin 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 terrapin

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

74,177,059 下載

cocaine 0.6.0

A small library for doing (command) lines

44,684,203 下載

kt-paperclip 7.2.2

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

10,665,425 下載

ember-cli-rails 0.12.2

Integration between Ember CLI and Rails

1,089,983 下載

glebtv-ckeditor 4.14.1

CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages

140,735 下載

simple-spreadsheet-extractor 0.18.1

Takes a stream to a spreadsheet file and produces an XML or CSV representation of its c...

135,930 下載

bives 2.0

Ruby wrapper for the BiVeS model version comparison tool

58,566 下載

ecs_helper 0.0.37

A simple gem which make CI CD process easier for AWS ECS service

47,094 下載

openseek-api 0.18

ruby gem to talk to openbis-api java libaries, for use within SEEK4Science

29,248 下載

sample-template-generator 0.7.1

Bespoke tool for generating spreadsheet templates from Sample Types for use with SEEK.

27,997 下載

rupeepeethree 0.0.7

tag your mp3 files. a command line wrapper and library around taglib-ruby.

16,177 下載

anyfetch 0.1.7

Anyfetch provides abstraction layer around multiple protocols to allow accessing files ...

15,818 下載

data_keeper 0.2.1

Easy management of database dumps for dev env

15,285 下載

rack-secure-upload 0.1.3

Upload files securely

12,414 下載

daisydiff 0.0.2

A simple ruby wrapper for Daisy Diff.

11,070 下載

eikon 0.1.11

A small pure-Ruby (for now) implementation of DHash

5,529 下載

standardstorage 1.0.2

A simple API for multiple storage backends like B2, S3, and the FileSystem

5,386 下載

rakemkv 0.3.0

A fully object oriented wrapper around MakeMKV to help facilitate more programmable bac...

4,596 下載

pdf2html_docker 0.1.1

It converts any kind of PDF documents to HTML, maintaining the style

4,499 下載

paper_trail_actor 0.1.1

This gem is an extension to paper_trail gem Th...

3,497 下載

yt-dlp.rb 0.3.1

yt-dlp.rb is a command line wrapper for the python script yt-dlp

2,976 下載

yt_dlp 0.2.0

Command line wrapper for the python script yt-dlp

2,461 下載

heyterminal 0.1.0

This is just another tool for running command lines from the terminal. I was inspired b...

1,421 下載


Rb-YoutubeDL is a wrapper for the python script youtube-dl. Forked from youtube-dl.rb gem.

966 下載

pdf2html_docker_wrapper_rmenu 1.0.1

It converts any kind of PDF documents to HTML, maintaining the style

925 下載

morris 0.1.2

The Thing

729 下載

總下載次數 53,513,562

這個版本 507,009



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
