tinymce-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tinymce-rails
spree_backend 4.8.4
Admin Dashboard for Spree eCommerce platform
2,010,087 下载
tinymce-rails-langs 7.20240507
Additional language packs for tinymce-rails.
856,127 下载
TinyMCE plugin for taking image uploads in Rails >= 3.1
378,377 下载
camaleon_cms 2.9.1
Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...
348,399 下载
trestle-tinymce 0.4.0
TinyMCE integration plugin for the Trestle admin framework.
317,453 下载
hyrax 5.0.4
Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...
238,330 下载
sufia 7.4.1
Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...
211,650 下载
lolita 4.2.0
Manage Rails, application backend with ease.
211,491 下载
spud_core 1.0.6
Spud Core Engine
205,915 下载
optimacms 0.4.3
CMS on Ruby on Rails
182,630 下载
express_admin 1.8.1
ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by appexpress.io, ExpressBlog, etc.
161,864 下载
sbdevcore 0.3.10
147,469 下载
cms-fortress 1.3.15
Comfortable Mexican Sofa (CMS) - User and role management extension
125,332 下载
tb_core 1.5.4
Twice Baked Core Engine
123,685 下载
virgo 0.3.17
Virgo is a comprehensive team blogging tool for Ruby on Rails
96,726 下载
activeadmin_tinymce 0.2.4
This is a wysiwyg html editor for the Active Admin interface using TinyMCE. Editor supp...
64,174 下载
manifest-rails 0.2.8
Manifest allows for the creation of simple content management with support for easy cus...
63,122 下载
guts 3.1.2
A mountable, extendbale, multisite, CMS engine for Rails 5with a basic dashboard interf...
59,561 下载
contentment 0.8.4
Rails Engine for simple content management. See readme on github for details.
52,330 下载
eric_weixin 0.4.2
48,370 下载
Form ajax helper with tinymce support
46,292 下载
solidus_editor 1.0.0
Currently supported editors are CKEditor and TinyMCE
38,237 下载
binda 0.1.11
A modular CMS for Ruby on Rails 5 with an intuitive out-of-the-box interface to manage ...
36,753 下载
spree_editor 0.70.0
Atm supported: YUIRichEditor, WYMEditor, TinyMCE
31,731 下载
mirador_rails 0.8.0
Bundling up Mirador for Rails use.
28,740 下载
I wanted to be able to easily add pages to my app and make it easy for users to edit th...
21,666 下载
tinymce_aws_file_upload 0.1.1
Add file upload functionality to TinyMCE rich text editor using aws direct upload.
21,233 下载
editor 0.0.8
wyswyg and code editor for active admin
15,692 下载
wagn-dev 0.0.5
support gem for developing Wagn mods
14,446 下载
tinymce-rails-syntaxhighliter 1.0.5.beta
TinyMCE plugin for syntax highlighting in Rails >= 3.2.
13,181 下载