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voluntary 0.3.0

#Crowdsourcing management system for #Ruby on #Rails changes:

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  1. 0.7.1 - November 09, 2015 (214 KB)
  2. 0.7.0 - October 29, 2015 (214 KB)
  3. 0.6.0 - October 01, 2015 (233 KB)
  4. 0.5.2 - September 02, 2015 (230 KB)
  5. 0.5.1 - August 23, 2015 (207 KB)
  6. 0.3.0 - April 08, 2015 (145 KB)
Show all versions (21 total)

Runtime Dependencies (63):

acts_as_api ~> 0.4.2
acts_as_list ~> 0.4.0
ancestry ~> 2.0.0
auto_html ~> 1.6.4
cancan ~> 1.6.10
capistrano ~> 2.15.5
coffee-rails ~> 4.1.0
coffee-script ~> 2.2.0
country_select ~> 1.3.1
devise ~> 3.4.1
diffy ~> 3.0.1
facebox-rails ~> 0.2.0
faker ~> 1.2.0
faraday ~> 0.8.9
font-awesome-rails ~>
foreigner ~> 1.1.0
foreman ~> 0.46
friendly_id ~> 5.0.0
gon ~> 5.0.1
has_scope ~> 0.5.1
jquery-rails = 2.2.2
json ~> 1.8.1
koala ~> 1.8.0
mongoid ~> 4.0.0.alpha2
mongoid-history ~> 0.4.1
mongoid_slug ~> 3.2.0
omniauth ~> 1.2.2
omniauth-lastfm ~> 0.0.6
paper_trail ~> 3.0.0
pg ~> 0.17.1
rails ~> 4.2.1
rails_autolink ~> 1.1.5
rails-i18n ~> 4.0.1
remotipart ~> 1.0
rubyzip ~> 1.1.0
sass-rails ~> 5.0
selectize-rails ~> 0.12.0
simple_form ~> 3.0.0
simple-navigation ~> 3.11.0
slim ~> 2.0.2
state_machine ~> 1.2.0
typhoeus ~> 0.5.3
uglifier ~> 2.4.0
versionist ~> 1.2.1
wicked ~> 1.0.2
will_paginate ~> 3.0.4
zip-zip ~> 0.2

Development Dependencies (18):

awesome_print ~> 1.1.0
capybara ~> 1.1.2
capybara-webkit ~> 0.13.0
database_cleaner ~> 0.7.1
fixture_builder ~> 0.3.3
guard-cucumber ~> 1.4.0
guard-rspec ~> 3.0.2
guard-spork ~> 1.5.1
launchy ~> 2.1.2
letter_opener ~> 1.0.0
oink ~> 0.10.1
rspec-rails ~> 2.0
selenium-webdriver ~> 2.22.1
spork ~> 1.0rc2
test-unit ~> 3.0.9
timecop ~> 0.6.1



  • Mathias Gawlista

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 50,110

For this version 2,212



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
