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decidim-core 0.27.2

Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.

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  1. 0.28.1 - April 30, 2024 (5.49 MB)
  2. 0.28.0 - December 20, 2023 (5.46 MB)
  3. 0.28.0.rc5 - December 18, 2023 (5.46 MB)
  4. 0.28.0.rc4 - December 11, 2023 (5.46 MB)
  5. 0.27.6 - April 30, 2024 (4.7 MB)
  6. 0.27.2 - February 13, 2023 (4.64 MB)
Show all versions (137 total)

Runtime Dependencies (50):

acts_as_list ~> 0.9
batch-loader ~> 1.2
browser ~> 2.7
carrierwave ~> 2.2.1
cells-erb ~> 0.1.0
cells-rails ~> 0.1.3
date_validator ~> 0.12.0
decidim-api = 0.27.2
devise ~> 4.7
devise-i18n ~> 1.2
diffy ~> 3.3
doorkeeper ~> 5.1
fog-local ~> 0.6
geocoder ~> 1.8
hashdiff >= 0.4.0, < 2.0.0
kaminari ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.1
loofah ~> 2.3.1
mime-types >= 1.16, < 4.0
mini_magick ~> 4.9
mustache ~> 1.1.0
omniauth ~> 2.0
paper_trail ~> 12.0
pg ~> 1.1.4, < 2
pg_search ~> 2.2
premailer-rails ~> 1.10
rack ~> 2.2, >= 2.2.3
rack-attack ~> 6.0
rails ~> 6.1.0
rails-i18n ~> 6.0
ransack ~> 2.4.1
redis ~> 4.1
request_store ~> 1.5.0
rubyXL ~> 3.4
rubyzip ~> 2.0
social-share-button ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.1
valid_email2 ~> 2.1
webpacker = 6.0.0.rc.5
webpush ~> 1.1
wisper ~> 2.0

Development Dependencies (1):

decidim-dev = 0.27.2


Pushed by:


  • Josep Jaume Rey Peroy, Marc Riera Casals, Oriol Gual Oliva

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 317,151

For this version 7,199



Required Ruby Version: >= 3.0
