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elastic-backup-2s3 1.0.2

I simply want to be able to control the backup and restoration of the Elasticsearch cluster to S3 without any fuss or having to dilly around with curl -XPUTS and friends. So here it is, and we now support Shared Volumes. See the docs on the --fs flag. There are many features I wish to add to this, and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to send them my way!




  1. 1.0.2 December 27, 2016 (15.5 KB)
  2. 1.0.1 December 26, 2016 (15.5 KB)
  3. 1.0.0 July 21, 2016 (15.5 KB)
  4. 0.1.5 July 12, 2016 (15 KB)
  5. 0.1.4 June 24, 2016 (15 KB)
Show all versions (11 total)

Runtime Dependencies (11):

aws-sdk ~> 2
colorize ~> 0
faraday ~> 0
json >= 2.0.2, ~> 2.0
multi_json ~> 1
semver ~> 1
text-table ~> 1
thor ~> 0

Development Dependencies (12):

bundler ~> 1
juwelier ~> 2
pry ~> 0
pry-byebug ~> 3
pry-doc ~> 0
pry-remote ~> 0
pry-rescue ~> 1
rdoc ~> 3
rspec ~> 3
simplecov >= 0
yard ~> 0



  • Fred Mitchell

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 26,771

For this version 2,833

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.0
