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fastlane 2.38.0.beta.20170607010024

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps




  1. 2.226.0 December 10, 2024 (1.1 MB)
  2. 2.225.0 October 21, 2024 (1.09 MB)
  3. 2.224.0 October 04, 2024 (1.09 MB)
  4. 2.223.1 September 27, 2024 (1.09 MB)
  5. 2.223.0 September 26, 2024 (1.09 MB)
  6. 2.38.0.beta.20170607010024 June 07, 2017 (598 KB)
Show all versions (1304 total)

Runtime Dependencies (31):

addressable < 3.0.0, >= 2.3
babosa < 2.0.0, >= 1.0.2
bundler < 2.0.0, >= 1.12.0
CFPropertyList < 3.0.0, >= 2.3
colored >= 0
commander-fastlane < 5.0.0, >= 4.4.0
dotenv < 3.0.0, >= 2.1.1
excon < 1.0.0, >= 0.45.0
faraday ~> 0.9
fastimage >= 1.6
gh_inspector < 2.0.0, >= 1.0.1
highline < 2.0.0, >= 1.7.2
json < 3.0.0
mini_magick ~> 4.5.1
multi_json >= 0
multipart-post ~> 2.0.0
multi_xml ~> 0.5
plist < 4.0.0, >= 3.1.0
rubyzip < 2.0.0, >= 1.1.0
security = 0.1.3
slack-notifier < 2.0.0, >= 1.3
terminal-notifier < 2.0.0, >= 1.6.2
terminal-table < 2.0.0, >= 1.4.5
tty-screen ~> 0.5.0
word_wrap ~> 1.0.0
xcodeproj < 2.0.0, >= 1.4.4
xcpretty < 1.0.0, >= 0.2.4

Development Dependencies (15):

coveralls ~> 0.8.13
fakefs ~> 0.8.1
pry >= 0
pry-byebug >= 0
pry-rescue >= 0
rake < 12
rest-client ~> 1.6.7
rspec ~> 3.5.0
rubocop = 0.48.1
sinatra ~> 1.4.8
webmock ~> 2.3.2
yard ~>



  • Felix Krause, Michael Furtak, Andrea Falcone, David Ohayon, Mark Pirri, Hemal Shah, Manuel Wallner, Joshua Liebowitz

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 149,848,497

For this version 2,115

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.0.0

Required Rubygems Version: > 1.3.1
