lint_roller 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 lint_roller
rubocop 1.75.1
RuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the ...
519,575,682 下载
rubocop-performance 1.24.0
A collection of RuboCop cops to check for performance optimizations in Ruby code.
204,961,436 下载
rubocop-rspec 3.5.0
Code style checking for RSpec files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcing & li...
204,028,904 下载
rubocop-rails 2.30.3
Automatic Rails code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rail...
199,239,284 下载
rubocop-capybara 2.22.1
Code style checking for Capybara test files (RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest). A plugin for t...
60,327,576 下载
rubocop-factory_bot 2.27.1
Code style checking for factory_bot files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcin...
48,490,428 下载
rubocop-graphql 1.5.5
A collection of RuboCop cops to improve GraphQL-related code
31,923,302 下载
standard 1.47.0
Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
26,770,659 下载
rubocop-minitest 0.37.1
Automatic Minitest code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing M...
24,172,695 下载
rubocop-rake 0.7.1
A RuboCop plugin for Rake
21,672,768 下载
rubocop-rspec_rails 2.31.0
Code style checking for RSpec Rails files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcin...
17,165,288 下载
rubocop-sorbet 0.9.0
Automatic Sorbet code style checking tool.
16,813,523 下载
rubocop-thread_safety 0.7.2
Thread-safety checks via static analysis. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enfor...
16,230,812 下载
standard-performance 1.7.0
Standard Ruby Plugin providing configuration for rubocop-performance
12,107,365 下载
standard-custom 1.0.2
Plugin containing implementations of custom cops that are bundled as defaults in Standa...
11,762,623 下载
rubocop-faker 1.3.0
A RuboCop extension for Faker.
11,278,371 下载
rubocop-i18n 3.2.3
RuboCop rules for detecting and autocorrecting undecorated strings for i18n (gettext an...
4,531,996 下载
rubocop-packaging 0.6.0
A collection of RuboCop cops to check for downstream compatibility issues in the Ruby c...
2,898,111 下载
rubocop-sequel 0.4.1
Code style checking for Sequel
2,523,350 下载
standard-rails 1.2.0
A Standard plugin that adds Rails-specific rules to Standard
2,240,498 下载
rubocop-airbnb 8.0.0
A plugin for RuboCop code style enforcing & linting tool. It includes Rubocop configura...
1,527,771 下载
rubocop-rubycw 0.2.2
Integrate RuboCop and ruby -cw
1,256,124 下载
rubocop-md 2.0.0
Run RuboCop against your Markdown files to make sure that code examples follow style gu...
1,157,181 下载
rubocop-discourse 3.12.1
Custom rubocop cops used by Discourse
768,892 下载
rubocop-vendor 0.14.2
A collection of RuboCop cops to check for vendor integration in Ruby code.
166,045 下载
standard-rspec 0.2.2
A Standard plugin that adds rubocop-rspec specific rules to Standard.
157,444 下载
rubocop-codeur 0.10.2
Shared rubocop config gem for every Ruby projects at Codeur SARL
58,399 下载
standard-sorbet 0.0.2
Standard Ruby Plugin providing configuration for rubocop-sorbet
51,048 下载
rubocop-on-rbs 1.5.0
RuboCop extension for RBS file.
30,295 下载
rubocop-obsession 0.2.1
A collection of RuboCop cops for enforcing higher-level code concepts.
27,998 下载