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pageflow 15.1.1

Multimedia story telling for the web.

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  1. 17.0.4 - January 22, 2024 (6.42 MB)
  2. 17.0.3 - January 12, 2024 (6.42 MB)
  3. 17.0.2 - January 12, 2024 (6.42 MB)
  4. 17.0.1 - January 12, 2024 (6.23 MB)
  5. 17.0.0 - January 12, 2024 (6.23 MB)
  6. 15.1.1 - February 12, 2020 (5.2 MB)
Show all versions (114 total)

Runtime Dependencies (37):

activeadmin >= 1.3.0, < 3
aws-sdk-s3 ~> 1.0
backbone-rails ~> 1.0.0
bcrypt ~> 3.1.7
bourbon ~> 3.1.8
cancancan ~> 1.10
devise ~> 4.4.0
ejs ~> 1.1
friendly_id ~> 5.2
htmlentities ~> 4.3
i18n-js ~> 2.1
jbuilder >= 1.5, < 3.0
jquery-rails ~> 4.3
jquery-ui-rails = 5.0.5
kramdown ~> 1.5
marionette-rails ~> 1.1.0
paperclip ~> 6.1
rails ~> 5.2.0
react-rails ~> 1.8
rubyzip ~> 1.2
sass ~> 3.4
sprockets < 4
webpacker ~> 4.2
webvtt-ruby ~> 0.3.2
wysihtml-rails = 0.5.5
yajl-ruby ~> 1.2
zencoder ~> 2.5

Development Dependencies (27):

ammeter ~> 1.1
capybara ~> 3.9
colorize ~> 0.7.5
domino ~> 0.7.0
mysql2 ~> 0.5.2
omniauth ~> 1.9
puma ~> 3.12
redis ~> 3.0
resque ~> 1.25
rspec-rails ~> 3.4
rubocop ~> 0.54.0
sassc-rails ~> 2.1
scss_lint ~> 0.50.0
semmy ~> 1.1
timecop ~> 0.7.1
webdrivers ~> 4.0
webmock ~> 3.4


Pushed by:


  • Codevise Solutions Ltd

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 200,434

For this version 1,724



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
