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renalware-core 2.0.94

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve patient care, undertake clinical and administrative audits and share data with external systems.




  1. 2.1.1 March 22, 2021 (2,03 MB)
  2. 2.1.0 March 15, 2021 (2,03 MB)
  3. 2.0.167 February 04, 2021 (2,02 MB)
  4. 2.0.166 January 21, 2021 (2,01 MB)
  5. 2.0.165 January 20, 2021 (2,01 MB)
  6. 2.0.94 July 19, 2019 (1,29 MB)
Zeige alle Versionen (187 total)

Runtime Abhängigkeiten (67):

active_type ~> 0.7.1
ahoy_matey ~> 2.1
attr_extras ~> 6.2
clipboard-rails ~> 1.7.1
cocoon ~> 1.2.11
cronex ~> 0.6.1
delayed_job ~> 4.1.4
delayed_job_web ~> 1.4.3
devise ~> 4.6.0
devise-security ~> 0.14.3
dotenv-rails ~> 2.5
dumb_delegator ~> 0.8.0
email_validator ~> 1.6.0
enumerize ~> 2.3.1
foundation-rails ~>
friendly_id ~> 5.2.5
hashdiff ~> 0.3.9
httparty ~> 0.16
i18n = 1.5.3
jbuilder ~> 2.8
jquery-rails ~> 4.3.1
jquery-ui-rails ~> 6.0.1
kaminari ~> 1.1.1
liquid ~> 4.0.0
lograge ~> 0.10.0
naught ~> 1.1.0
nested_form ~> 0.3.2
nokogiri ~> 1.9
pandoc-ruby ~> 2.0.2
paper_trail ~> 9.0.1
paranoia ~> 2.4.0
pdf-reader ~> 2.2.0
pg ~> 1.1.3
prawn ~> 2.2.2
puma ~> 3.12.0
pundit ~> 2.0.0
rails ~> 5.2
ransack ~> 2.1.1
ruby-hl7 ~> 1.2.0
sassc-rails ~> 2.1.0
scenic ~> 1.4
simple_form ~> 4.1.0
sinatra ~> 2.0.5
slim-rails ~> 3.2.0
uglifier ~> 4.1.17
underscore-rails ~> 1.8.3
virtus ~> 1.0.5
whenever >= 0
wicked_pdf >= 0
wisper ~> 2.0.0
wisper-activejob ~> 1.0.0
wkhtmltopdf-binary =
yard >= 0.9.20
rails-assets-foundation-datepicker = 1.5.0
rails-assets-moment = 2.22.2
rails-assets-select2 = 4.0.5
rails-assets-mousetrap = 1.6.2


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  • Airslie

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Downloads insgesamt 301.074

Für diese Version 1.900

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Erforderliche Ruby-Version: >= 0
