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rubocop-packaging 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-packaging

faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0

Faraday adapter for EM::Synchrony

201,614,348 下载

faraday-retry 2.2.1

Catches exceptions and retries each request a limited number of times.

164,117,989 下载


Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website.

123,880,566 下载

paper_trail 15.1.0

Track changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked at any...

85,033,898 下载

cucumber 9.2.0

Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy

75,151,462 下载

webdrivers 5.3.1

Run Selenium tests more easily with install and updates for all supported webdrivers.

67,484,310 下载

unparser 0.6.15

Generate equivalent source for parser gem AST nodes

61,222,802 下载

cucumber-core 13.0.2

Core library for the Cucumber BDD app

61,042,375 下载

fast_gettext 3.0.0

A simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe implementation of GetText

47,705,696 下载

cucumber-rails 3.0.0

Cucumber Generator and Runtime for Rails

26,812,759 下载

faraday-follow_redirects 0.3.0

Faraday 2.x compatible extraction of FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects.

12,811,642 下载

iso8601 0.13.0

ISO8601 is a simple implementation in Ruby of the ISO 8601 (Data elements and inter...

10,542,864 下载

faraday-mashify 0.1.1

Faraday middleware for wrapping responses into Hashie::Mash.

4,414,797 下载

aruba 2.2.0

Extension for popular TDD and BDD frameworks like "Cucumber", "RSpec" and "Minitest", t...

4,340,275 下载

nokogiri-happymapper 0.10.0

Object to XML Mapping Library, using Nokogiri (fork from John Nunemaker's Happymapper)

4,208,185 下载

gem_bench 2.0.0

Enforce Gemfile version constraints Regex search across all installed gem's source code...

2,897,199 下载

droplet_kit 3.21.0

Droplet Kit is the official Ruby library for DigitalOcean's API

2,508,838 下载

faraday-decode_xml 0.2.1

Faraday middleware for decoding XML requests.

2,077,924 下载

rubocop-rails_config 1.16.0

RuboCop configuration which has the same code style checking as official Ruby on Rails

2,068,845 下载

faraday-gzip 2.0.1

Faraday plugin to automatically set compression headers (GZip, Deflate, Brotli) and dec...

2,021,054 下载

faraday-gzip 2.0.1

Faraday plugin to automatically set compression headers (GZip, Deflate, Brotli) and dec...

2,021,054 下载

ffprober 1.0

a Ruby wrapper for ffprobe

954,402 下载

non-digest-assets 2.3.0

Rails provides no option to generate both digest and non-digest assets. Installing ...

810,591 下载

sup 1.2

Sup is a console-based email client for people with a lot of email. * GMail-like t...

448,436 下载

console1984 0.2.0

Your Rails console, 1984 style

407,187 下载

ripper_ruby_parser 1.11.0

RipperRubyParser is a parser for Ruby based on Ripper that aims to be a drop-in replace...

403,543 下载

gir_ffi 0.17.0

GirFFI creates bindings for GObject-based libraries at runtime based on introspection d...

396,407 下载

onlyoffice_logger_helper 1.3.0

Simple logging gem for ONLYOFFICE projects. Used in QA

277,410 下载

mvz-live_ast 2.2.0

LiveAST enables a program to find the ASTs of objects created by dynamically genera...

174,217 下载

gruf-prometheus 2.4.0

Prometheus support for gruf

166,220 下载

下载总量 2,028,330

这个版本 930,855



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
